Friday Five for August 6, 2004
Yikes …
The Friday Five questions this week suck !
Big time.
And I really have no interest in answering them …
So I’m going to do something completely different this week …
Amy’s Interactive Friday Five !!!!!
Wooo hoooo !!
Yes, now everyone klap their hands displaying their excitement !! 🙂
Very good !!
Okay …
Here’s the deal …
Following are this week’s questions …
Answer one or answer all …
About me or about yourself …
Or Whoever,
Whatever amuses you.
‘Cause gawd knows …
These questions aren’t that easily answered.
So if you can find a way to have fun with them …
Go for it.
Now if you’re a first time poster …
And all worried about someone figuring out who you are …
Where it asks you for your e-mail address on the comment form …
Just put in a fake e-mail address and goofy name. It’s that easy to maintain your privacy. (Now yes, I think my system does log the IP address of the last 100 people that come here, but I have neither the time, nor the interest, to ever even look at that log.)
Okay … here are the questions:
1) What animal best represents you?
2) What color best represents you?
3) What season best represents you?
4) What emotion best represents you?
5) What flower/tree/plant best represents you?
With regards to Shaft’s responses:
1. For weighing in at over 1/8 of a ton, he is amazingly fast … though I’m not sure he has 30 yards of endurance left in him … my guess, 10 yards.
2. Obviously … though remember, that’s all in his mind’s eye, he’s really a short, overweight, middle aged white guy with a Drew Carey haircut … sweet and all, but still … despite his claims, he’s not black.
3. So … we have yet another convert to the Wonderful World of Lawreys !! 🙂
4. He’s right about this one !
5. Good One !! LOL
On a side note, without revealing too much … Shaft did a really good deed last week for a cause that deserves good legal counsel. Of course that’s no surprise, as he’s got a great, big heart. Props to Shaft.
1) Grizzly bear. I run the fastest 30 yards of any big man out there.
2) Black. I’m Shaft, duh!
3) Lawrey’s.
4) Why the f*** do you care! Kiss my a**!
5) Poison Ivy.
Blah blah blah …
The money’s in the mail. yeah right. 🙂 It just took me some time to find a bank teller who could to stop laughing long enough after I asked them for some Canadian coinage … oh yeah, and I just kept forgetting. 🙂
Amy…Thanks for bringing back memories of some may medical school interviews…and now you want me to answer these FOR FREE???? Well…here’s the deal…I’ll try my best, and you try to send me the seventeen bucks you owe me, you freakin’ deadbeat….
1) My most obvious charachteristic is my infectious, albeit non-life threatening infectious laugh. Therefore, I guess I would be a hyena. That also goes along with my tendency to forage for carcasses and the fact that I life on the African savannah….
2) Color, hmmm…well, I’ve had pickeye a few times, but I try not to let those incidents define me….Ultimately, I’m a sloppy eater, so I should pick a color that lets the stains blend in….
3) Season: Meh….I’m getting bored….just send me the money….
Raccoon. I’m smart sassy survivor. And, I have opposable thumbs.
Season? Come on! How many ought to confess the season that represents you best is the ’62 Mets? 🙂
Okay…..should have given details…..
1) What animal best represents you?
Dolphin (mammal)
Very social species who love the ocean (not much choice, it’s where they live)
People often make the mistake of assuming a dolphin is happy because they look as if they are smiling. In fact, a dolphin can’t change the shape of its mouth and ALWAYS looks as if it is smiling, even when clapping its jaw in annoyance!
Plus – they are soo gracefull and soo am I – yeah, really:)
2) What color best represents you?
I love green because it represent growth and Blue because for me, that defines the ocean which is one of the most amzaing things on this planet – mix the two together and you get….
3) What season best represents you?
Autum – when everything is at its most beautiful, that is to say, it a time of change, when the deepest most vibrant colours come out just before the old parts die away – it’s one last fond farewell to the way things were and it signals a new beginning – new hope.
4) What emotion best represents you?
Sadness….we live in a world where hunger, war and fear grace the front pages of our papers, news media – our everday lives. I’m sad becuase the world is both a beautiful and horrid place to live. I feel sadness for my fellow man(woman).
What legacy are we leaving our children…..
5) What flower/tree/plant best represents you?
A unicellular or simple multicellular photosynthetic organism lacking multicellular sex organs; the blue-green algae, or cyanobacteria, are photosynthetic bacteria. Fresh and saltwater aquatic plants, usually microscopic in size, but including seaweed
its movement is graceful, it’s like a dance in beautiful light…
1) What animal best represents you?
Dolphin (mammal)
Very social species who love the ocean (not much choice, it’s where they live)
People often make the mistake of assuming a dolphin is happy because they look as if they are smiling. In fact, a dolphin can’t change the shape of its mouth and ALWAYS looks as if it is smiling, even when clapping its jaw in annoyance!
2) What color best represents you?
3) What season best represents you?
Autum – when everything is at its most beautiful
4) What emotion best represents you?
5) What flower/tree/plant best represents you?
A unicellular or simple multicellular photosynthetic organism lacking multicellular sex organs; the blue-green algae, or cyanobacteria, are photosynthetic bacteria. Fresh and saltwater aquatic plants, usually microscopic in size, but including seaweed
Okay … just to prove I’m not completely lame and lazy,
I’ll go first.
Here’s how I’m going to answer them. One question for each of The UnUsual Suspects.
1. Singer – I’d say she’s represented by a tiger. Beautiful, graceful, athletic and very protective of her peeps. Not only do you feel safe around her, but you can sense in her attitude confidence, but not arrogance. Plus there’s a healthy dose of playfulness and fun in her spirit.
2. Hottie – Hmmmm. It’s a tough call on that, I think he’s either represented by the color green or red, but I’m going to go with green because it’s the national color of Ireland, suggests order and organization (at least it does to me, though that’s making reference to the condition of his new house, not his old condo !), and it just feels like a very real color, and Hottie is just a very real, good person. (Remember though, I’m color-blind, so I have no clue what I’m saying ! :))
3. Me – Let’s see … though my favorite season is Fall, I think that Spring represents me best since I tend to have a cheerful, positive, things are going to get sunny outlook.
4. Sister – There’s no question here … peace. Sister never gets rattled and anytime you talk with her, you are immediately overcome with a feeling of complete peace and calm. It’s really something special.
5. Miss Daisy – Wow, I have no idea. I don’t really know that many different plants or flowers, so I’m going to go with … hmmmm, how about a cattail? Why? Well, because they thrive in liquid environments and because it has the word “tail” in it ! 🙂