The Multiple Deaths of Joe Hairdy

I’ve mentioned before about how ….. in a non-physical way …. I, as Joe Hairdy, must die …… and how there are a lot of memories I have as Joe Hairdy ….. that I cherish ……. but that ….. all of the relationships I have had in this role ……. will eventually cease.

Anyways ….. the recent events got me a thinkin’ ……. Joe Hairdy isn’t going to die just once ….. he’s going to die multiple times ……

As the realization and acceptance of my transition permeates each individual, special relationship that I have held dear ….

Joe Hairdy is going to die in that relationship.

That doesn’t mean that I’m going to experience the sorrow of death for each relationship I’ve had ….. it’ll be nobigdeal for mere acquiantances …..

But, for each close, special relationship ….. it’ll be a death.

Now don’t think I’m all melancholy or anything ….. ’cause I fully expect that a new special relationship may replace some prior special relationships …. and for each prior special relationship that is not resurrected in some vein with the same person ….. I expect a new special relationship to sprout with someone else.

So really …. I’m just making an observation ….. as there is nothing I can do about it. 🙂 Though on the other hand ….. I’m really glad at this point that I have such a small limited number of close, special relationships !! 🙂

Hey …. wanna know how I got the nickname …. Joe Hairdy ? If so ……

A story Hottie told indirectly generated the nickname !! Yeppers ….

From the yummy one himself ….. here’s how …..

In recognition of the incredibly incestuous relationship amongst my core friends …..

Hottie and Singer were friends before I came into the picture ….. so ….. when

Singer and I became friends ….

Hottie, Singer and I started just hanging out together …. resulting in ….

Hottie and I becoming friends ….

Just the usual guy stuff though …. softball, sport talk, golf.

So, a few years ago, Hottie started participating in one of my golf weekends with friends from college …. which used to be drinking weekends …. but now …. we really golf …..

Anyways, last year ….. Hottie and I shared the room (separate beds people !!! I’m a tease, not a tramp !!) ….. and ….

One morning, while I thought he was still asleep ….. I was getting ready and walked out of the attached bathroom without any concern about restraining my mass of hair ….

Which by that time had grown out considerably from my previous boy-style, and was already generating comments ….. but hey, I figured it was safe, no one would see …..

Unfortunately ….. Hottie looked up just as I was exiting the bathroom and exclaimed in true shock …..

“For Christ’s Sake !!!! I’ve never seen so much hair !!”

Singer, Hottie, Shaft and I (not sure if Sister was there) were out a bit after that, doing the usual …. eating and drinking and mocking people ….. when the topic of our recent golf trip came up ….

Hottie did a bit on what my untamed hair looked like in the morning …..

And Shaft timely offered the following observation ….

“Yeah, he’s Joe Hairdy, and you’re his private dick brother, Frank Hairless.” (Ouch …. in reference to Hottie’s diminishing quantity of hair atop his noggin’)

And thus ….. I became Joe Hairdy.

Nothing incredibly exciting.

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  1. okay,
    a natal friend who knows,
    told me about another friend of hers
    who had lost her hair to chemo…
    the two of them were at a bar when a guy
    approached, and complimented monica’s friend
    on her beautiful hair–
    so her friend says to the guy,
    “You really like it?”
    and he says he does,
    so she hands her wig to him and says,
    “Then take it home with you.”

  2. ummm…
    i read _Animal Farm_ when I was eight…

    oh, yeah, i WAS wondering about the
    joe hairdy

    and thanks for reminding me that i still have MPB,
    in spite of the propecia…

  3. Oh gawd … Sianna … are you just saying that because you know my birthday is quickly approaching and you want to emphasize my age …. ugh !!!! ….. or are you really not familiar with The Hardy Boys? Frank and Joe Hardy …. detective brothers ….

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