And now for something completely different
Ruh-roh !!!!! :0
Geezuz …. do I ever have a wealth of material for future blogs ….. I could be writing for years on nothing but intense, emotional whatever !!!!
But ….. (‘member …. there’s always a but !!)
I think we need a break of the drama filled past four news days …. well ….. really …. I need a break from the past four news days !! ….. and yes, pretty much anything goes with my sweet baby blues …. but the teary-eyed bloodshot look …. just doesn’t work π
Which means …… YES !!!!!!
It’s time for another fluff piece …..
Psyche !! lol
Actually ….. I really want to do a fluff piece ….. something completely mindless and trivial ….. yeppers …. sorta like my life in general ….. it’s just that I can’t think of anything to write a fluff piece about …..
I mean ….. contrary to the commentary from Shaft who says I’m just being lazy when I post fluff pieces …. I try to have some sort of purpose when I write them ….
‘ways ….. I did consider the following topics ….
– Why sleeveless tops make my boobs look bigger. – Rerun
– Oh how I hate warm toilet seats. – Continuing Series
– Mauve toenail polish …. what the hell was I thinking? – Drama
– My plot to bear Heath Ledger’s children. – Rerun
They all had potential ….. but none really seemed to grab me …..
So if any of you have an idea for a good, future fluff piece ….. let me know
….. otherwise
….. you end up getting fluff pieces about me thinking about writing fluff pieces
π whatalazybutt !!! lol
Side note: Do you ever get fortune cookies that don’t say a fortune, but instead say something just weird?? They need to say a fortune so you can add the words “in bed” at the end … makes it fun ….. like ….. “A dear friend will leave you” … “in bed” …. makes it all funny and stuf ….. (in retrospect, in light of recent topics here, that example was not a good one, but since it was totally an unconscious use and I’m too lazy revisit, I’ll just leave it) π …… but the fortune I received today …… said …… “The Blue Is Night.” …… just wtf does that mean ?? LOL
Update 1: And you know what? I think I’ve gotten that fortune before !! And I didn’t get it then either !!
Update 2: I did get that fortune before !!! And I was just as confused by it !! So …. just for the record …. they recycle fortunes at Yen Ching !!
Oh ….. you know what? ….. Just punching away on the keys here ….. not even really thinking …. but just sort of doing something while processing everything in a more subconsious manner …… has been really cathartic ….. thanks for letting me fill this segment of AmyNews with this informercial type post ….. informercial not because I’m selling anything …. but informercial because like those on television ….. you can’t figure how why in the world you watched it ….. but you did !! π