Cold Calling

Message left on Joe’s voicemail yesterday:

Hi Joe. This is ______ from ________ Company. I was in your office last week and we met. I wanted to follow up with you to discuss your _______ supply needs. Blah Blah Blah

Now I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt, figuring that he meets so many people during the course of the day, that he just confused meeting someone else with Joe.

But I can say with a great deal of confidence ..

I’m pretty phreaking sure he didn’t meet Joe last week. πŸ™‚

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  1. You can buy a Skype-in telephone number fairly cheap, should you wish to go that route. Could you give them your cell phone number? Come to think of it, what would a divorced woman do? Would she be compelled to retain the account in her ex husband’s name, or are they draconian enough to demand a copy of the divorce decree?

  2. You know what’s funny about their position is that I was one on their early subscribers … a long, long time ago. Meaning that I never got one of those deals they offer new subscribers. Heck, all of my original Dish equipment and subsequent upgrades were purchased. It’s not like I even need one of their equipment incentive deals.

    Shaft encountered the same problem and switched to DirecTv. I think he did mention though that at some point Dish let him switch back, but I think he had to put things in his wife’s name. Though along those lines, if I cancelled my subscription, there is a good chance I could sign-up using my name, as long as there was a different phone number … I think they link to that and the address.

    Wow … maybe I should just go back to cable. Eh, no … not likely. πŸ™‚

  3. The ones who have been sort of a pain in the behind about changing my name on the records has been DishNetwork. They are so overconcerned with not giving an existing customer one of those “only new customer” deals, that they haven’t been willing to do anything with my name change other than add my name to the account … so whenever I call up for something, I always get the questions:

    1.) The account is under what name?
    2.) How are you related to Joe Hairdy?

    I always tell them he’s my husband and then take a couple of shots at Joe. πŸ™‚

    Thanks for the feedback on the New Look and the photo problem at AmyLicious … I think I have it fixed now. πŸ™‚

  4. The phone company won’t let me change my name in the phonebook until the name change is legally commited. Which is pretty lame, I think I’ll ask them to remove my listing (when I think about it and I pass a store from them). So those sales people keep asking for [old name] every time they call. Bugs the hell out of me.

    PS The new site looks cool, nice and simple, I like it! But for some reason I got an error when clicking a picture on them Amy Licious website.

  5. Ahhhh … good question. He said my old name. πŸ™‚

    Which for those wondering, really wasn’t Joe. Though I pretty much use Joe as reference to Me ver 1.0 all the time now. Mainly because it’s easier for me not to slip up and use my old name when doing any Function-type public speaking appearances and also because sometimes I get mad at Me ver 1.0 (actually, more like jealous) and will mutter something like “phuck Joe” and it just seems much less personal when I say Joe instead of my old name. πŸ™‚

  6. did he say (literally) Joe,
    or [guyname] ???
    but, yeah, i’ve worked telemarketing,
    and if it wasn’t a technical shtik,
    it may have been an old list
    with your old name,
    working the angle that you wouldn’t remember if you met this shmuck or not…

  7. Hey, thanks for the props and for remembering I had a gig coming up! Actually, it’s this Saturday night. Nothing big, just a solo acoustic coffehouse show. But judging from the reception for last week’s first-time-at-the-venue performer, it should be a decent crowd. I’m struggling with some tendinitis from over practicing and typing and muscle soreness from horse riding this week, but I think it will go fine.

    Marie was all over the Henderson still being alive angle. I was still too shocked by Jack firing on him to think about that possibility. You know, it really hit me this week just how terrific Jean Smart was this season. Her character bugged me very early on, but then I started really enjoying watching her work.

    Anyway, it’s back to work for me. Busy day.

  8. All hail the mighty Howie !!! Prognosticator extraordinaire of all things Idol !!! πŸ™‚

    Mucho props big guy … you did totally call the Taylor victory !!! You’ve missed your calling !

    Hey, how did your gig go ???

    I’ll definitely be sharing my thoughts on 24 yet in my Day 5 in Review post. Henderson’s not dead by the way … that was totally staged by him and Jack as his way to “disappear”. Money has it that somehow he helps rescue Jack next year. And what about Curtis? We didn’t seem him at all in the final hows. Not to mention The First Lady … props to her for taking one for the team !!! πŸ™‚

  9. Amy, I work in the marketing field and there is automated technology capable of customizing messages specifcially for answering machines and voice mail. They are driven by a call list and draw from a vox database of hundreds of common names that cover most of the country. Some are even designed to hang up if they get a live person. I’ve even seen them designed to leave a message that seems to be mistakenly left for someone but that is designed to let you in on some great new product or service. There was even a stock offering that was artificially pumped up using that approach. SEC did not like that slimy nonsense at all.

    Anwyay, that may have been something like what Joe got.

    In other news… I started wavering a little in my support for him near the end but… who was it that saw something special in Taylor at his very first audition? Who believed in him as a heartfelt musico from the very start? Who said that of all the contestants, the one I would most want to play music with was Taylor? Who hunted down his existing MP3s in the day after his audition? Who really should be running his own record label that pushes genuine undiscovered talent? Yep, that would be Howie. Woooooo! Way to go, Taylor.

    And hats off to you for your remarably accurate predictions and funny writing this season. Marie and I have really really enjoyed your site.

    So… Jack. Shanghai’d. Literally. Wow.

  10. Yeah … I think that is it exactly Sharon. I still have Joe’s mobile phone voicemail Kelly, which is what he called. There are those from Joe’s past, friends/family/clients, that still have that number and might use it to get in touch with me, so I’ve kept it active since it’s on my office mobile plan and don’t cost nuttin. πŸ™‚ It certainly doesn’t get much activity … except from salesmen ! πŸ™‚

  11. AMY, LOLROFL … I’ll bet the doofus had an old phone list and was trolling for business thinking “Joe” would call back to clear up the confusion. We get all kinds of “posers” calling our office trying to scam up some business. What a putz! ~Sharon

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