Quick Summary

Joe Hairdy’s name was removed from my office door,

It was a feeling of melancholy and optimism.

My private investigator walked into my office unannounced and found, as he later told Shaft, some young woman in Joe’s office,

He seemed to take the information well when I told him, but then again, as long as he’s paid, why would he care. 🙂

I worked my butt off this week,

I like it.

I either got mickied or had the strongest two Coors Lights of my entire life,

I barely made it home and had a killer headache the following morning. On the other hand, I’m probably just a lightweight.

I successfully extracted myself from a situation with an exceedingly drunk, annoying businessman who seemed to think singing the lyrics to Flock of Seagulls’ I Ran was sexy,

He was wrong. And an asshole.

I found myself engaged in active conversation with a guy I know from my past and that I didn’t realize I knew from my past until he was seated next to me sharing my Chex mix,

Too funny.

I rethought my Decision for the very first time …

The rethinking lasted an entire .0042 seconds and I really like being right. And I don’t mean correct.

I saw one of my aunts and six of my cousins for the very first time,

My family rocks.

I saw one of my aunts, two of my uncles and one of my cousins for the second time,

My family rocks.

I found myself getting many not-so-subtle walk-by looks from people in the Registrar’s office of my law school when I stopped in to change my name on my records,

I was amused.

I’ve been fulltime now for 3 months,

It’s no big deal, just right. 🙂

Some interest was expressed in me for an assistant corporate counsel gig even after they became aware of my function …

I’d have to move.

I’ve got a lot of krap on my mind,

And I’m withdrawing.

I get to golf tomorrow with one of my cousins,

I’m totally geeked and excited !! 🙂

I’ve got attitude,

That’s obvious.

I’ve got much more to say,

I’ll be back later.

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  1. “Joe Hairdy’s name was removed from my office door,…”


    “…I either got mickied or had the strongest two Coors Lights of my entire life,…”

    Amanda & Nichole got mickied, any you don’t even know by whom? You gotta work on thise pick-up skills, girl…

    “…I found myself engaged in active conversation with a guy I know from my past I didn’t realize I knew from my past until he was seated next to me sharing my Chex mix,…”

    So, I’ll assume HE never even knew YOU as TG at all … better and better all the time…

    “… Some interest was expressed in me for an assistant corporate counsel gig even after they became aware of my function …”

    …AND BETTER (but why did you even say anything?)

    You’re doing a great job.
    Do I get to see you this weekend sometime?


    PS – BTW, if that “grudge” is held against Dr. Z because of D, forget it. She could’ve passed without any work at all. None. Zero. You’re doing just FINE. Compare yourself to others and you’ll never be satisfied.

    PPS – Yea. Mak with a cigar and a blue dress. Now THAT’s an image!

  2. Laura dear…

    Three billiard balls? Your entire FIST. Holy shiners! You have me beat by a long shot…

    Meet you in the Westchester Airport lounge. Amy gets in first, and we’ll be talking…yea, thats it..TALKING upstairs. (I wonder if the bartender knows about martini’s..)

    Don’t forget to bring a light jacket..and walking shoes…


  3. Hmmm….while I would prefer not to pollute my lungs, it seems that if I want to stay in the competition, I will need something on which demonstrate my oral proficiency….So here are a few ideas

    1) An oversized swirly lolli-pop (floppy hat and stripes stockings included…

    2) Three Billiard Balls

    3) My entire fist

    Of course, I realize I may be initiating a deadly game of one-up-womans-ship…..but we all knew it would come to that, didn’t we???


    P.S….4 More days!!!!

  4. Lit side OUT? What happens when it explodes?

    Just so ya know…a cigar on a woman is a very sexy device. Anything that resembles oral fixation to guys.

    But anyway, you’re gonna love the Campbell Apartment.


  5. Smoking cigars in the lounge? Shall I bring my top hat and spats??? I’ve never smoked a cigar, and it will take more peer-pressure than the two of you can dole out to make me…I’ll have to content myself laughing to myself at how ridiculous you’ll both look…And…pictures will be taken…and posted…with amusing captions…so beware…

    And Kenna, if you’re having some trouble with gagging, try it with the lit end out…You’ll never go back….


  6. HEY! I inhale too. First time I did I was at a wedding, and it made me sick as a dog. I was wretching out the side of my parents car.

    I’ve gotten better at it though. I can almost do a whole stogie without it triggering the gag reflex..


  7. OF COURSE its code for something! There are children who read this page!

    Now…if you can figure out how to “smoke a cuban” in the middle of Grand Central Station, let me know!


  8. Yep…Dr. Z’s the man…and yes Laura, you WILL be beautiful when you’re done. Gonna have to beat those cowboys off with a lariat! Just be sure to ask for the Amy-wan discount, cause you’ll get a few bucks shaved off the ticket…and the Makenna Special, because with that he adds an extra dose or two of the famed Valium/Vicioden knocks-you-on-your-butt-for-days combo. Nice touch if you want to sleep a bit more.


    You keep forgetting you have the real attention getting device…no need for sharpie attack. Its the boobies that get the attention…remember?

    Hey…I know where we’re gonna go as our first stop in NYC…


    Lots of Martini choices, and we can smoke cigars there too!


  9. Amy,

    The cuter than you thing was because I slipped him some extra bucks. But we already knew that physicians named Laura were cuter to begin with, so it really was no contest.
    Seriously, if I turn out 1/3 as good as you and Kenna, I will be ecstatic! Kenna’s latest photo looked fantastic. Give Kenna and other Laura big hugs for me.

  10. Woo hooo !!! 🙂 Congrats on week 1 chica !!

    Yeah, well … I’m sorta bitter at Dr. Z right now … all his new girls are coming out kuter than me … I thought I had a deal with him that I’d be his best and everything else would be just not quite as kute !! 🙂 LOL Seriously though, Dr. Z has been very, very good to me !! He’s given me the opportunity to have a very comfortable, easy life just blending in while getting myself into my own bits of trouble. I owe him tremendously, though I did pay him well !! 🙂 You’ll be in fine hands.

    Well … I know we all pretty much look the same right after surgery … like krap !! LOL 🙂

    I’m not sure how we compare afterwards. There’s one gal I know that had some work done with Dr. Z about three months before me and I keep track of her pics … it’s sorta wild because we do have some similarities … with Dr. Z’s technique, we all tend to have that surprised eyebrow look for 3 – 6 months until bruising subsides and things settle into place. I’m anxious to see Kenna next week to check out whether we have any similarities in looks now that we didn’t have before … similarities of course before I take a Sharpie to her face and draw on her a uni-brow before we go trolling. Oh, and don’t think you’re getting off without some pre-emptive strikes Canadian Laura … I’m bringing glue-on cold sores to disable your active lips !! 🙂

  11. I agree, but hey … there’s nothing wrong with being lucky … I got dropped into a great family with super friends … they on the other hand, might not be considering themselves so lucky !! LOL 🙂

  12. Amy,

    Just finishing my first fulltime week and it has gone well. I’ve had the usual gawkers, and some people avoiding or ignoring me, but, all in all, most people are very supportive and accepting. Of course, I’m not beautiful like you-yet. My date with Dr Z is in January. Will we be twins?

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