Weekend Fun


This is a picture of me and Clio. Regular viewers here will recognize her name as one of the frequent commenters here at AmyNews.com.

Clio had her FFS with Dr. Z in Chicago on Saturday, January 30, 2005 and ‘Kenna was in The Windy City to visit her.

I, likewise, found my way there to meet this incredibly cute, intelligent young woman who came all the way from Ireland to have her FFS done in Chicgao.

A special one is this Irish piece of lass … I see great things for her !! 🙂

However, it goes without saying that I was also looking forward to hanging out with ‘Kenna … one half of the ‘Kenna/Laura combo who are solely responsible for leading me towards all mischievious behavior I ever find myself encountering.

Ahh yes …. if only we could of somehow gotten Laura down from the Great White North … ‘Kenna, Laura and I could have done damage to Chicago once again.

And out of respect for Laura …

‘Kenna and I decided to go out Saturday night for a few drinks in honor for our human gps compatriot.


We needed a designated driver …

And strangely,

Even when we were sober,

It made great sense to us to have the chica recovering from a major surgery a mere 7 days prior …

Probably souped up on narcotic painkillers …

And most likely not even licensed to drive in the United States,

Be our designated driver.

Even more strangely,

We didn’t change our minds despite the fact that within a mile of the hotel she almost took out a curb and a lamp post.

We had mucho fun !! 🙂

Mwore pics later if ‘Kenna and Clio e-mail them to me.

Congrats Clio !! I am so proud of and happy for you !! 🙂

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  1. This is fun. Lets do it again!

    There was a young lady named Clio
    Who had traveled all over the geo
    She went to see Z
    In the city of Chi
    Now she wants to go down to see RIO!

  2. Ok, lets all work on this Clio limerick thing. A limerick about a girl born in Limerick. It sounds cool.

    Now remember – for those who can’t from poetry class – (MAK!) – Limericks almost all, though not ALWAYS – have meter measured very simply in that first measure of poetic meter, Syllables, as opposed to Feet (combinations of sylables such as Iambic, dactylic, Pyrric, Trochaic, etc) or Lines (combinations of Feet, e.g., monometer, diameter, pentameter, hectameter, etc). God forbid a sonnet.
    So anyway, syllabically, limericks are generally 9(8)-9(8)-5-5(6)-10(9), with the first rhyme at the end of lines 1,2 and 5, and the second at the end of lines 3 and 4, e.g.,

    In anything written by Dickens, (9)
    It’s certain the plot always thickens; (9)
    With characters, themes (5)
    With digressions teems; (5)
    But for sex, it’s mighty slim pickin’s. (10)

    Now, limericks can skew away from the perfect count, and that’s ok, because they are, after all, just for fun. We’re not talking Caesura (heroic hexameter) or a haiku here – just fun.

    So lets all wiggle our minds and work on this.

  3. Claire !! You’re exactly right !! Thank you … I’ve been stumped on trying to figure out who she looked like there !! Explains that thing she had for Reese’s Pieces and ET references !! 🙂

  4. Ok…lemme try this one on for size.

    There was a young Limerick lass
    who found that she needed some ass

    er…no…thats not it…

    ok././ lets try again…

    There was a young limerick lass
    Who needed a kick in her ass

    uh…I guess this is harder than I thought…

  5. ha ha ha…….funny gal Laura, writing a Limerick about a gal who was actually born in Limerick, I’m sure there’s some material right there – let’s see.

    There once was a young gal from Limerick,
    Whose girly demeanor was…well…..lacking,
    ’till Z’s bitches took hold,
    and now we are told,
    She wants boobage just like our krazy Amy!!!

  6. Of course I would have loved to have been with the 3 of ya. Of course, my lack of being notified that this get-together was taking place unfortunately precluded my attendence. Its most obvious that I need to re-tune my ham radio or improve my clairvoyance skills, such that I will not miss out on a fabulous opportunity for carousing in the future…

    Clio! looking great! ’tis only a matter of time before your radiance is the subject of a baudy limerick…


  7. OMG !! MD !! If you crash Chicago on one of our little excursions, I’d say you have a good chance of getting some magic pills from him … as long as you’re first willing to spend serious coinage for surgical fees and are comfortable leaving Chicago looking like your twin sister ! 🙂

  8. Sister !! 🙂 Point well taken on my color issues, though remember … I am color blind … meaning sometimes, I’ve already thought I was wearing blue bird blue and fucshia !!!! 🙂

  9. Anything Irish is a special piece of ass… I mean lass.

    If I go to Chicago, think I can get some magic pills from Dr. Z???

    As for the wardrobe colors… I noticed a theme working here too. I think black is the best color for our Amy. Black is my favorite color (no pink jokes from the peanut gallery). 😛

  10. There’s a definite light blue & peach theme going with you, Amy. Come Spring, may I suggest some blue bird blue & maybe, dare I say, fushia?

  11. Sounds and looks like quite a time! Please, let me know when you’re all going again! And congrats to all of you – you look great!

  12. I was hoping to see you there Greggers, but you need to take care of yourself first … ’cause trust me, we’ll need your designated driver status at some point in the future, I’m sure !! 🙂

  13. You can’t have much fun in Chi w’out bei’in able to move much I guess. But I would have liked to have seen all three of you at a few bars pounding the Guiness. (CLIO!) At the very least I could have been the dd and the photog.
    Clio, we’re all so proud of you –
    hugs to the bones –
    and put some fat back where it belongs. You’re a rail!

    love, GHF

  14. Hey M, you wanted to smack Amy, so did Dr. Z (and I think he mentioned smacking you too b’cos of your boots – what’s the dealio gf) but I’m not sure from what perspective he was coming, I did hear the words whips, chains and other items that weren’t visible in his torture chamber….I mean OR…yeah, drugs still working. Oh and the curb thing…I was driving an American car for goodness sakes – drives like a boat, at best I was navigating around bends in it….:) Seriously though you two – thank you soo much for a wacky weekend, something I’ll not forget for a long, long time.

    clio X

  15. What I found more amazing from the weeekend was Clio’s attitude. She just went out and did whatever she wanted, no matter how her face looked, or how badly she felt.. She was intent on having fun, no matter if she she looked like she was in a car wreck or not…

    Dr. Z did an amazing job of beautifying her…she is going to be one very pretty Irish lass when the swelling goes down…BITCH!

    (and that Amy chica…she’s so hawt I wanted to SMACK her!)

  16. So just weekend full of fun for you, that certainly does a girl good doesn’t it. I ended up with some collegues and their wives driving a ‘rally’ tour through some of the old country sides of the Netherlands … that in itself is not really big fun but we had to do it in a couple of Citroen 2CV’s now there is a really fun car to drive. With nothing on it, just 4 gears, no abs, no powersteering … I had so much fun and laughs my jaw hurt. And I ended having the best night sleep in a long time.

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