For The Love Of Gawd … Keep Amy Away From The Nuclear Weapons

Ya know …

I’m an extremely predictable creature of habit.

Really predictable.

So when I go days and days in a row,

Without updating

You know something is up.

But what, pray tell?

Well …

Nothing new or different really,

Just the same ol’ problem that I’ve been struggling with for quite a while about my site …

Coupled with real life demands and challenges.

What’s the same ol’ problem ??

Well …

That’s the challenge I have of balancing what I need for …

A place to vent, reflect and chronicle my transition and life;

While providing a real-life, open and honest history of how I have face my challenges along the way, so others can learn from my successes and mistakes;

When knowing that way many people in my real life are reading the krap that I post.

For those new to the scene,

It’s that last part that causes me the problem. πŸ™‚

I worry that people in my real life will easily ascertain who I’m referring to if I’m anything but extremely vague in sharing positive or negative experiences in my day to day life,

‘Cause I don’t want to unnecessarily breach anyone else’s privacy.

My privacy, well …

I’ve been pretty open about things here, huh kids?

I’m not about to stop now,

But I don’t want any of the vast number of incredibly kewl people who have been kind, supportive and encouraging to me to suffer any negative ramifications from butt-others who feel people like me should never encounter any understanding;

And, I don’t want any of the very few negative encounters I have tarnish anyone’s false image of the person who decides that being a jerk to me is an appropriate form of behavior.

It’s a struggle,

Because at the same time …

Sometimes I really feel the need to vent.

And I also want to share some of the tremendous positive experiences I have.

Not to mention disclose some of my more difficult challenges and frustrations,

So others can learn from my screw-ups.

Oh yeah,

And I do believe it’s my role in life to offer a bit amusement by publicly acknowledging some of the oddness in which I find myself. πŸ™‚

It seems that one of the common traits t-transition related sites have is that after one transitions …

Moves on with their life,

Their site is no longer updated.

Valuable experiences are unfortunately not passed on to others.

I can certainly understand why …

Once you get a life,

The personal need for such a site diminishes in many respects,

The time necessary for its maintainance becomes more challenging to find,

While the need for privacy increases.

However, it’s always been my goal …

That wouldn’t just be a ts site,

But a personal website by someone who just happens to be transsexual.

(Again, for those new to the scene … that’d be me.)

There’s much, much more to me than my transsexualism !!

Oh sure, my t-ism is mentioned fairly frequently at times …

Because that’s what is going on in my life at times.

But it’s also not mentioned as frequently on other occasions,

Because I got other stuff going on.

(Seriously people, believe it or not, and I’m sure you don’t … I’ve actually received inquiries asking me to post my movie reviews again … apparently some people actually liked them !!! πŸ™‚ Okay, apparently only one person actually liked them, but they really liked them !! :))

The last couple of months have been incredibly great in soooo many ways,

But also quite demanding in others.

So many times I’ve needed to punch out a post …

But didn’t have the energy,

Nor motivation …

To expend the effort to vague up who or what I was posting about.

Meaning that …

I really couldn’t publish some of the junk I’ve been keying.

Or at least,

Didn’t feel right publishing some of the junk I’ve been keying.

Which is actually quite ironic,

Considering more than a couple of my posts were about jerks who found talking about me to others in less than flattering ways appropriate behavior,

But yet I didn’t feel right or compelled to do the same to them.

Oh well.

So that’s where I’ve been …

And now that I sort of feel reengergized,

I’ll go back and vague up some of those posts …

So I can share them with you.

Please accept my apologies for my laziness the past couple of weeks.

I’m also now currently 826 e-mails behind …

But I’ll be caught up with all those by Sunday AM.

In the meantime,

Below …

Are some of the highlights of what I’ve done since my last post:

Judged two days of mock trials for future lawyers (trust me, in light of my whole transsexualism thing, not to mention just having this website in general, it’s probably the closest I’ll ever come to being a judge … but I had a blast, helped out a good cause, seemed to be appreciated, and was reminded once again … it’s phreaking hard to be a judge !! Definitely a much easier gig where I normally sit in the courtroom. Honest to gawd, I don’t know how real judges are able to pay attention … I kept having to force myself NOT to daydream !)

Goofed off with my Uncle Dave and Aunt Elaine for an afternoon having more fun and laughs than one is probably legally allowed to have in some states. And get this, my Uncle Dave was even kind enough not to force me to listen in the backgroud to Michigan State kicking the krap out of Michigan in basketball.

Received my first set of flowers ever from a man on Valentine’s Day !!! (There’s a few qualifiers there depending on where you put the comma, isn’t there? So let’s just clarify … it was the first time a man has ever sent me flowers !!!) Way too sweet and the flowers were gorgeous !!! A beautiful arrangement with some maize and blue surrounding 18 pink roses. Can I hear a collective … ahhhhhhhhhhhh ! πŸ™‚

Gave one, two, three career day presentations … I was told I was the students favorite, but of course, I told the kids to say that. Credit to Shaft for the theme of the career day presentation I used for those sessions … I totally scammed an idea he used a few years ago … it was way worthy, much more interesting than anything I would have talked about and the kids loved it.

Spent much time on the road practicing pretty much in every court except my home court.

Worked my phreaking ass off.

Got some highlights added to my hair without any of the trauma or anguish that I normally experience when doing anything different with my hair. For the most part, my hair is pretty much my natural color, certainly lighter no doubt, but not too many shades from natural and mainly meant to just cover up the non-pigmented strands I have (that’d be the gray hairs for those of you who aren’t hip to contemporary salon lingo). But I’ve been told by some women that my blonde hair makes me more easily read as a transsexual. Apparently it looks very fake to them, which is odd … because I thought it would be my boobs they said were obviously fake. πŸ™‚ Even odder, I get those same comments about the “fakeness” of my hair even when I’m not coloring it, but just highlighting it. Anyways, a friend of mine pointed out that it’s usually brunettes that make that comment about the “fake” look of my hair and that brunettes often have issues with blondes. I guess I skipped that chapter when reading my copy of So You’re a Girl Now, Here’s Krap You Need To Know. So much to learn !!! πŸ™‚

Spent nights and nights and nights getting things arranged and pulled together at my humble abode. Not exciting I know … but my life isn’t all glamour and excitement !!! πŸ™‚

Had some wicked fun lunches with friends and consumed many times my new favorite lunchtime meal … a seafood omelette called The Tidal Wave. It’s sooooo good !! Yummmmmmmy.

Worked my phreaking ass off some more.

Spent many hours roaming the mwall with a good friend who turns out to not only frequent the same places I shop, but is in total sync with my approach to shopping … lots of shopping with very little buying. I think she and I must be from the same planet !!

Spilled coffee all over myself as I was trying to carry my purse, computer and a new printer up to my office while balancing a cup of coffee on the top of the new printer box. Tragedy struck when the strap to my computer bag slid off my shoulder, jerking my left arm down, launching said virgin cup of coffee at my body, at which time the coffee lid decided it had better things to do than stay attached to the coffee cup … apparently the two of them had been having issues anyways … resulting in lotsa hot coffee spilling all over me. Which then caused me to laugh, because honestly, it was pretty funny, but also caused me to activate my elastic superpowers and spring said virgin coffee cup off my body, towards the lobby wall, pouring coffee all over the wall and soaking into the carpeting beneath.

I was sort of pissed off about it, so other than myself, I didn’t clean anything up.

My friend Miss Daisy was in town (he moved to Florida last October/November) and I got to spend some time with him tracking him down while he was doing the gay bar hopping thing. It’s the topic of its own post, so I won’t expand on it here, other than to say … way nice seeing him !! πŸ™‚ And because I told Craig I’d mention him on my website, and because he said I could, Hi Craig !!!! πŸ™‚

While mwalling, I noticed this woman whom I didn’t recognize staring at me. Yikes !! I couldn’t quite shake her. Or her repeated glances at me. Krap, she must of read me !! Anyways, showing some boldness, she stopped just looking at me and actually approached me.

Hi, I’m sorry for staring, but you look like someone I might recognize, is your name Amy?

Ahhh, yes,” I answered, desperating trying, but failing, to recognize her. … that’s your website, isn’t it?

Turns out I didn’t recognize her because I didn’t know her, but she explained sorta, kinda how she had first found my website. And that she enjoys it. What are the odds !! πŸ™‚ Anyways, technically, I guess she did read me … or more accurately … read my website !! πŸ™‚

Feeling remorse, I got on my hands and knees and scrubbed the wall and carpeting where I spilled the coffee. Note for future reference … despite one’s degree of pissedofness for spilling a virgin cup of coffee, which I might add was really, really hot … I suspect it’s better to clean up the mess right away rather than waiting a day to attack it.

I pulled off a technical feat of utter and complete chica geekness solving an infrastructure problem that was frustrating me.

Added “At some point in my life, say on network television … ‘What would McGuyver do in a situation like this?‘ to my life to-do list.”


I think you’re all caught up now.

Again …

I’m really sorry for the lack of postage and I WILL do better !! πŸ™‚

Though if you can think of some appropriate public journal penance for me to perform …

I will consider such. πŸ™‚

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  1. I’m so out I posted in the newspaper where they could find me. But I figure a) I’m so old I wouldn’t be a great loss and b) maybe it will draw fire from a few others so they will have time to get into stealth better and c) it would seem to me that if we were all out, they’d be so bug eyed at our numbers they’d *have* to make nicey-nice. I love Amy’s site and I love Sianna’s too, and it encourages me greatly to have smart, brave people out there who are dealing with what I’m dealing with, but with so much more grace, and yeah, beauty, too, whatever that is.

    oh, yeah, about the paper, all that got me was some new conservative friends. *Now* whatta I do?


  2. I use my site as a resource for stealth and out and proud folks alike. As far as my journal goes, thats my personal space. But for the most part, Mr. Flagg, while I may never be stealth I like keeping that option a possibility as long as I can, even though I find myself woodworking in terms of activism. So nyaah! πŸ˜›

  3. Well Greg,

    I wish things were so simple. Although I do not fit so well into anyone’s gender boxes, I still spend a lot of time, money and energy to slip under the radar in high stakes situations. It is difficult for many of us to just get through the day physically intact and to somehow scrape together some sort of livelihood. Sadly, people who are gender variant and/or belong to sexual minorities are always living on the edge of danger.

    I won’t get too deeply into the trials that I have personally suffered but will offer some things to think about. I would suggest looking at them and seeing if they are OK to pass on to your daughter.

    There was a very nasty dyke bashing in Boston this past Saturday:

    Of course many trans folks are also murdered or die when medical care is refused. I also believe that many murders of trans persons are not reported as such. Families frequently cover up the deceased’s trans status and the press reports such killings incorrectly. BTW, this includes many “lgbt” publications.

    I have personally encountered anti-trans/anti-queer violence, destruction of my property and loss of employment as well as many personal rejections.

    Believe me, I do not aspire to mediocrity in any form, but in seeking positive acknowledgement and attention it is quite possible find oneself in a
    dangerous situation when one is trans.


    There is also the issue that many somewhat creepy individuals covet relationships with transwomen and transmen. This is yet another form of unwanted attention directed at trans folks.

  4. I don’t mind if you kids have this discussion here … I know you both’ll play nice πŸ™‚

    And actually I feel like adding my thoughts on the topic … so I might just jump in pool too.

  5. @#*@%(@()@! GREG its S I A N N A.



    jesus. lol

    while I appreciate GREG both you and your daughters viewpoints on my situation, the perspective in the saddle ( of my self admittedly high horse here known as my transition) presents aspects and concerns which affect my perspective and actions. since I, SIANNA, am brutally honest about my understanding about transition experiences, people in my everyday life would radically change their behaviour towards me based on the website’s topics and I would lose the ability to speak honestly, because people would be pestering me whether or not what we say or do will end up on my website.

    My choice to not have as many real life friends while in transition is based on the fact that 2 friends I told who do know treat me not as who I am, but who they think I am, a man who has a mental disorder. Right now, mid transition, that’s a little disheartening.

    anyway, take care Gregory Flagg, keep a close eye on ‘Kenna, and thanks. Next time, read my website and post comments there so amy doesnt call me and bitch at me again. haha Ames.

  6. Sienna:
    “…See, I circumvent the website/life crashing thing by not telling anyone I see on day to day basis, and threatening to brutally kill anyone who spills the beans….”

    My daughter says “why? why? I have to work HARD to be different [she’s an olympic archer], and I like to TALK about my being different, and here are some people who are just BORN different! Why can’t they celebrate it instead of just trying to be what I am trying so hard NOT to be – dumb-ass NORMAL?”

    (It’s the idealist in me rubbing off on her, I guess.)

    What she’s saying I think, is that “There aren’t just two expressions of gender. Why can’t we just say “ok” to that and then have our milk and cookies?” (they do that at Mount Holyoke, where her sister goes to college).

    Keep in mind she is only 15, but her aunt’s TS-ism and some of our friends being Gay and some of her friends in High School being Queer and one of her teachers having just come out and her sister having gone to the GBLT prom last year with a girl she liked – this stuff becomes non-events to her.

    It’s simple – perhaps simple-minded, I know. But I always learned to KISS, so ….



  7. Hello, my name is Laura and I am an addict,…to Amynews. I’ve had this habit for about a year and I just can’t kick it……Lately, though, I’ve had to resort to reading old posts; yeah, I know, pretty lame. But I was having withdrawals, man. I need some help.

  8. See, I circumvent the website/life crashing thing by not telling anyone I see on day to day basis, and threatening to brutally kill anyone who spills the beans. Oh, it also helps to not have any friends. At least not mid transition.

  9. Ummmmmm … yeah, Shaft is right.

    I probably would have delayed cleaning it up even longer had it not been for his appropriately sarcastic clean-up job comment !! πŸ™‚

  10. Thanks Aleta !!! πŸ™‚

    Frozen Mountain Dews !!! Yummmmmm !! Is that 5 on a scale of 5 Debbie or 5 on a scale of 10 ?? lol πŸ™‚

  11. Wow… now thats the news Amy!
    Good to get my Amy fix again… thanks so much for sharing your life so openly. I really enjoy hearing how your life continues to unfold. Keep up the wonderful work!
    Hugs, Aleta.

  12. 1) … ahhhhhhhhhhhh ! πŸ™‚
    (all together now …..)

    2) …I totally scammed an idea he [Shaft] used a few years ago…
    (and that was…..?)

    3) “…her and I…”
    no no no, “SHE” and I…

    4) “…caused me to activate my elastic superpowers…”

    5) “…” … that’s your website, isn’t it?”
    Now THAT is COOL! BIG kudos and congratulations!!

    6) ‘What would McGuyver do in a situation like this?’
    hmmm…use broken glasses to unscrew warhead housing….use piece of gumwrapper and discarded paperclip found under couch to bypass warhead failsafe mechanism…hide warhead in tyre of 737 going to Paris using gum found on underside of McDonald’s table to repair hole in tyre…detonate warhead at centerpoint of triangle described by the Arch de Triumph, the Eifel Tower, and the grave of Charles-De-Gaulle…

    7) Hug Amy for tel call last week. Thank you.


  13. I was wondering what happened to you girl….;)thanks for posting. You do make my life much easier with all your trial and tribulations that you have gone through. I have learned immensely little tidbits and the such and thank you tons for that…hugz, Steph

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