Disclosure – Uncle Dick and Aunt Janet

So …

Pretty much everyone in the entire world that has any association with my real life,

And who are privileged enough to have had themselves mentioned here at AmyNews.com (yeah right, like that’s a privilege??) …

Has had a nickname of sorts.

I’ve always used nicknames for everyone in my goofball sort of attempt to maintain an element of privacy despite posting some of the most personal and intimate of my thoughts and feelings out here in the open.

Quite the contradictioooon, huh? Attempting to maintain some personal privacy though desperating craving any attention I can get from viewers … well, for now … let’s just store that particular issue away in the Things We Still Have To Figure Out About Amy file and move on with the rest of this post. πŸ™‚

Anyways …

Mainly my attempts at privacy have been to not out myself or any of my real life friends …

By someone we know stumbling across my website during a search of some sort that had nothing to do with trying to find my website.

And from what I know,

It’s been pretty much successful.

The only people that know me who have found my website that I didn’t invite …

Have done so only after first knowing I had a website,

And then deciding to use whatever resources they had available to figure out how to get here (i.e. knowing some good keywords, knowing someone who will tell them, or having access otherwise.)

So those really don’t count.

Now lately I’ve haven’t been posting summaries of each and every Disclosure I’ve delivered …

As it seems like that’s all I’ve been doing for the last month,

Which actually, is pretty much what I’ve been doing for the last month.

But when I decided to write a post about my recent Disclosure with my aunt and uncle over the past weekend,

It was my first inclination to try and figure out some wicked-kewl nicknames for them …

But I couldn’t.

Not because they aren’t wicked-kewl …

They are …


They are probably the most wicked-kewl grown-ups I know.

It’s just that they are simply my Uncle Dick and Aunt Janet.

I really can’t think of them as anything but.

So with that being the case,

Along with the fact they I can’t really imagine referring to them as Uncle Dick and Aunt Janet would in any way really cause some inadvertant outing (hey, check it out kkl, I spelled it right the first time) of me or anyone else …

For the very first time here at AmyNews.com

I’m referring to someone in my real life by their real names,

Well … at least by the names I call them.

If you’d like,

You can call them Uncle Dick and Aunt Janet too …

They’re really kewl people.

As you will soon see. πŸ™‚

So …

Of the extended family I have decided to tell my function,

There really have only been a few.

I’ve got a three aunts and uncles that I’ve decided to tell …

While letting the rumor mill take care of the rest,

And I’ve got three cousins I’ll bring into the loop,

With the rest I’ll let hear also via the grapevine.

Anyways …

I wanted to tell them all before I got my boob job,

However, as I found myself running out of time,

I knew that just wasn’t going to happen.

So I decided to tell my Uncle Dick and Aunt Janet first …

I’ve always been close to all the aunts and uncles I’m going to tell personally,

Along with the three cousins on my personal Disclosure list,

And let’s face it ….

All of my relatives are really kickass great.

But I decided to tell Uncle Dick and Aunt Janet first because I’ve always been especially close with them and I was hopeful that they wouldn’t kick me outta the house after Disclosure.

And in the state that I was in the past few weeks, totally phreaking out over my upcoming boob job …

I was really in need of some understanding, strength and support from some extended family.

Now …

Rumor has it that my Uncle Dick and Aunt Janet really aren’t blood relatives of mine,

But that my brother and I have just called them aunt and uncle for as long as we can remember because they’ve been my parents closest friends since like the late 60’s or something.

It really doesn’t matter though, because even if that rumor is true, they are definitely family as far as I’m concerned.

In fact, even when all of the rest of my extended family lived in my current home state,

Uncle Dick and Aunt Janet lived in the same town in Tennessee as my mom, dad, brother and me (Uncle Dick and my dad worked for the same company back then).

When we ended up moving back to my current home state,

Uncle Dick and Aunt Janet moved up here also, though Uncle Dick ended up working in a different city than my dad.

And throughout everything … we’ve always stayed in close touch.

Now Uncle Dick is the tallest of my uncles, something like 6’6″ … he’s huge,

And in really good shape …

Super smart …

Successful in business …


To this day …

He’s just a really grown up kid.

He’s funny as all get out and always has a new practical joke to teach you.

I was particularly proud to have my oldest nephew show me a practical joke last Sunday that I had learned from Uncle Dick at a Pizza Hut in my younger days …

Where did you learn that ??” I asked.

Uncle Dick taught me it last summer when we visited them with Grandpa and Grandma.

Ahhhh …. too sweet … so nice to see a tradition pass from one generation to another ! πŸ™‚

Now Aunt Janet is like the sweetest person in the world and has the greatest laugh ever. She makes the best pecan pie, usually feeds me spaghetti whenever I show up for dinner, and she was the very first babysitter I ever had.

We all know how Singer is the most beautiful woman I know in real life,

Well Aunt Janet is the most beautiful grown up woman I know in real life.

I remember how when I was in elementary school, every now and then mom would tell me that Aunt Janet might be picking me up from school and I’d be like … “Kewl, now all the kids will go, who’s THAT??? And I’d go, oh, that’s just my Aunt.

Now we all know, they’d just follow it up with the line “Yeah, right, sure.

But I never let it get to that point … at least in my mind ! πŸ™‚

So … true to form …

I did was I usually do when I have to do something that I’m a bit anxious about doing …

I just stop thinking about it …

And when the time comes,

Well, I just do it.

So two Thursdays ago, I called Uncle Dick and after some preliminary pleasantries, said something along the lines of …

Hey, I need some private time with you and Aunt Janet. I need to talk to you about something personal to me. It’s health related, nothing serious or anything, but it’s something I want to talk to you about.

I phrased it that way because I wanted to give him a little bit of an idea what it was that I needed to talk with them about,

But certainly didn’t want to get into it over the phone.

I also wanted to let him know that I was okay and wasn’t going to die or anything.

I didn’t want to create any unncessary worry.

Now I suppose the “health” reference might have been somewhat a misdirection, but I really don’t think it was …

And it was the best I could come up with under the circumstances …

It conveyed my need to talk with them, that it was something serious to me, yet not something that they should worry I was in very bad physical shape.

So as I had hoped, Uncle Dick made time for me immediately …

Why don’t you come up for breakfast Saturday morning and we can talk then. Will that work?

Kewl … two days away … it’d work great.

So two days later … at 7:00 am …. I was on the road driving up to their house.

They’ve recently built a beautiful house in northern part of my home state by the lake named after my home state (gawd, I hope there are enough hints there so that you can actually figure out what state I actually live in now !! :)) …

And this was my first time at this particular house of theirs.

Unfortunately …

I had written the directions to their house on my notebook and left that in the office for the weekend.

Fortunately …

I have a very good memory and am a Jedi,

So I found my way there without a problem,

Arriving promptly on time.

Yay Amy !! πŸ™‚

Now … it’s always good to see my Uncle Dick and Aunt Janet,

You really can’t help but smile and feel good about yourself when you’re in their company.

So when I walked into their house it was a super kewl nice feeling …

Despite in the back of my mind,

I knew I was going to be telling them something that would be changing things forever.

That’s the one thing that really sucks about Disclosuring your transsexualism to anyone …

Once you do it,

Things are never the same.

Now …

It’s one of my standard operating procedures to try and delay as long as possible,

Discussing my function with someone,

Even when I have a Disclosure session arranged.

So I took the opportunity to get a quick tour of their new house …

Which was phreaking beautiful.

Not to mention …

It was nice to see that in the basement they still had the sofa that I used to fall asleep on when I was oh …. maybe 7 years old !! πŸ™‚

Anyways …

We eventually made it back to the kitchen area and Uncle Dick sat down at the bar, motioned for me to sit …

And Aunt Janet took the remaining bar stool.

So, let’s talk,” Uncle Dick started.

Now … regular viewers and those that know me in real life …

Are well aware of my tendency towards avoidance …

Which is not only particularly strong,

But something in which I am well skilled in executing.

And it was my desire to have breakfast with them before getting into the conversation …

Sorta a last fun meal before sharing my great big secret.

But …

I’ve known Uncle Dick long enough,

That when he said it was time to talk …

It was going to be the time to talk.

I’m not sure if he learned that tactic from my dad,

Or if they both sort of developed it together over their years of hanging out together …

But either way …

I knew I was no match to try to avoid the discussion,

It was going to happen right then and there.

So all I could do is stall for a brief amount of time while I figured out how I was going to start the talk …

Which is what I did as I suggested we move to the living room to proceed.

Now as usual of late,

I really hadn’t spent much time thinking about what I was going to tell them …

I mean,

I’ve done it enough times,

I just sort of start going into it.

Now usually the beginning of my Disclosures are sort of stumbly,

And this one probably was too …

But I eventually got into the groove.

And had what I consider one of the best discussions I’ve ever had regarding my function.

Credit all going to my Uncle Dick and Aunt Janet.

They were amazingly great at listening to me as I explained what was up with me and my life,

They asked excellent questions,

Allowed me the opportunity to answer the questions,

And not once did they make me feel the least bit uncomfortable.

They offered all the support one could ever hope to receive,

Asked what they could do to help,

And offered me the opportunity to hang out at their place if I ever just needed a get away.

But get this,

For the first time ever …

After telling someone,

Though I’m sure they were shocked and stunned,

And it will take time for things to set in …

It really didn’t feel to me as if much had changed between us at all.

It was great ! πŸ™‚

We then had a great breakfast …

Talked about normal things,

Talked about my things,

Laughed lots …

And just had a good time.

Then when it came time to leave …

Uncle Dick made me feel very welcomed and made a sincere offer to help in whatever ways they could …

And Aunt Janet gave me the best hug I’ve had in ages.

Now let’s face it …

I’m a hug person,

And it’s been a really, really long time since I’ve had a hug that was exactly the hug that I needed at that exact moment.

A hug that wasn’t one of sorrow or sadness,

Which usually is the type of hug I get from people now.

Nope, this hug was one of hope, happiness and love.

And gawd it was ever nice.

I wish I could bottle it up and save it for whenever I’m having a tough day,

Or better yet,

I wish I could learn how to hug people in the same way. πŸ™‚

Uncle Dick and Aunt Janet both walked me to my car,

We said our goodbyes,

And I was on my way.

What an amazing Disclosure to …

Two incredible people.

Then two nights later Aunt Janet called me,

Just to make sure I was okay.

Followed the next morning by a call from Uncle Dick making sure I had someone to take me to get my boob job.

Then the very next day, another call from Uncle Dick making sure I had my boob job transportation all line up and offering again to be my driver.

And then when I did my bi-weekly checking of my mail, I found a super sweet card from my Aunt Janet.

Just when I needed a shot of love and support …

I got more than I could have ever dreamed of receiving.

All I can say is that I am one incredibly lucky gal to have such a great aunt and uncle !!

Thanks you two !!

You rock !!! πŸ™‚

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  1. hey! no fair! i’m not that bad about being on time! ok, i am, but you’re definitely worse. *d-e-f-i-n-i-t-e-l-y*! and you’re the only girl i know who eats worse than me and in greater quantities! πŸ˜›

    ..claire, who’s been stuffing her face all weekend despite being sick

  2. ROFLMAO Poor Laura and Makenna both know of my inability to arrive on time, but I would like the record to reflect, I’m no where near as bad as Claire !! πŸ™‚ You’re right Laura … that was pretty amazing though, huh ?? LOL

    Gawd, no way Danna … no bear hugs today … ouch, ouch, ouch !! πŸ™‚ Post and pictures are forthcoming !! πŸ™‚

  3. Amy,

    Your posts are so much fun to read plus giving all of us some hope, and not just a little jealousy.

    How are you feeling? Maybe no bearhugs today?

  4. Amy…

    You’re a great person, so none of your success comes as a surprise…really, the only thing I found shocking is that you got somewhere on time πŸ™‚ and remember, having amazing people in your life is not purely random or accidental….


  5. You’re really close Clio !! πŸ™‚ Yuhp, I’m a midwest gal, it’s a Great Lakes state, it starts with an M, it borders multiple states, and we’re sorta famous for making a lot of cars, at least at one time a lot were made here … I think most art outsourced now.

  6. Uncle Dick and Aunt Janet do absolutely rock!

    I think that although you told them your function, it was obvious that function was really part of you, and it was real, honest, and good. They know you’re going to be the bestest niece they ever had.

    You may be a goofball, but you’re the best kind of goofball, one that everyone loves!

    Big Hugzz!
    Hope you’re feeling better,
    Love, Hugzz, and all that
    Lisa iMom

  7. Amy – Wow….wow again. It’s soo great to have things not change following disclosure, it doesn’t happen all that often but it does happen. I think when nothing changes following disclosure you are well and truly talking about unconditional love – no matter what, you are you to your Uncle Dick & Aunt Jane.

    To be accepted and loved for whom you truly are regardless of how out of step the world might perceive you to be is truly a wonderful thing, you

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