Friday Five for May 30, 2003

Yeah …. I know …. it’s not Friday. I’m posting these late, way late ….. but I’ve been busy …. technically, I think the term is overwhelmed …. though now I’m back …. and on with the show !

1. What do you most want to be remembered for?

How about not ending sentences with prepositions? hee hee Hey, I didn’t write the questions !! Anyways,

Well ….. let’s see ….. there’s my complete command of totally useless information, my unnerving ability to come through under pressure, my equally nerving inability to kareoke, but ….. after all is said and done …..

I want to be remembered for being a good person, being loyal to my family and friends, being there whenever they needed me, and being there when they didn’t need me.

2. What quotation best fits your outlook on life?

Gawd, you people are going to realize just how pathetic my life is with this admission ….. unfortunately ….. the following in totally true. For the most part, my approach to life is Never Surrender, a song by Cory Hart, but then modified slightly to Never Give Up, Never Surrender in the movie Galaxy Quest. However …. that’s my approach to life, my outlook on life is probably best summed up as ….. “Things could always be worse” …… the combination of the two basically makes me an irritatingly, perky and optimistic person …. so beware !! 😛

3. What single achievement are you most proud of in the past year?

I have none. I’m really not proud of anything I have ever done, let alone in the last year. There’s nothing I can point to and take pride in saying …. yeppers …. I did that. What would I consider an achievement worthy of self-pride ?? For me …. about the only thing that works would be being a good, loyal, supportive, reliable, and fun spouse or parent. That’s about it.

So …. odds are not good for me to be proud of really pretty much anything this go around ….. though I make the best of the situatioooon by attempting to be a good, loyal, supportive, reliable and fun relative or friend. 🙂 Yeah, yeah, yeah …. I know ….. there’s still room for improvement in that respect. 😛

4. What about the past ten years?

See answer 3. 🙂

5. If you were asked to give a child a single piece of advice to guide them through life, what would you say?

Yeah, right. You must know by now that I often say things in variations of triplicate ….. and I’m going to do that now …..

First, always look for the cheat code or secret entrance (i.e. there is always at least one legitimate way to win in a no-win situation, you can be victorious in the Kobayashi Maru simulation.);

Second, never think you know everything and never stop learning – approach each day with a conscious effort to learn something new; and

Third, in a multiple choice test, when you don’t know the answer and if you’re not positive it’s wrong, go with C.

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  1. Yeppers …. not to be confused with Kobayashi, who is the attorney for Keyser Soze in The Usual Suspects (one of my all-time top 10 movies !) Oh yeah, I know, I watch way too much television and way too many movies …. mock me now …. but when you’re on Who Wants to Be A Millionaire and you can call a friend to help you with a mindless movie trivia question …. I might still be a dork, but I’ll be a popular dork for that one phone call !! 🙂

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