Calling The Warren Commission

The last time I wore the necklace I’m wearing today …

It must have been after a late, late night,

As I just dropped the necklace at the bottom of my jewelry box.


On the same evening,

I also worn a pair of those hook style earrings.

You know …

The type that doesn’t have one of those thingies that you secure the earring with to your ear behind your earlobe,

But just hook down so they don’t fall off.

It appears I also just tossed said hook style earrings at the bottom of my jewelry box.

This morning,

After I found the necklace I had left at the bottom of my jewelry box …

It appears that in removing it,

I also removed one of the hook style earrings that I’m postulating was loosely attached to my necklace.

So loosely, that …

When I went to hook my necklace,

It must of fallen off and dropped down the back of my top,

As I do recall feeling something moving back there.

However when I felt around …

I found nothing.

Now this is where I need the Warren Commission to help explain what subsequently transpired …

As said hook style earring found its way into the back of my underwear,

Where …

Despite already having my underwear on before securing the necklace …

Which started this chain of events,

And wearing a relatively new pair …

Such that they snuggly fit without clearance room to drop in from the back,

And also wearing a pair of Lucky’s …

Which though low-cut,

Are anything but loose,

It remained hidden and unfelt.

That is …

Until I sat down in my car.

At which point I became painfully aware of the earring’s presence.

Seriously …

Does krap like this happen to anyone else,

Or is it just me ? 🙂

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  1. If earrings are giving you a pain in the ass, you’re not wearing them right. Or else maybe you’ve got your head…. Nevermind. 🙂

  2. *sigh*
    there are some aspects of the transsexual life
    that slip through the cracks…
    and, yeah, simple things like finding the right earring
    (or the left, for that matter)
    can become a pain in the ass…
    but there you are,
    ever graceful and dignified,
    as you come cheek to cheek
    with the seat of the problem…
    if you’re not an inspiration to us all,
    then who, pray tell, could be?

  3. Yodette,
    Mythbusters is one of my guilty TV pleasures. I just love those two guys!

    Funny thing is, Jamie reminds me exactly of my older brother. Same voice, same looks (just a little more hair), same attitude!

    And, who couldn’t love that crazy Adam! ‘I reject your reality and substitute my own!’ is one of my favorite sayings!

    Annie and I have been watching Mythbusters since its original short 4 episode run several years ago.

  4. “Mythbusters” did two show segments on ice bullets. They never were able to make any work. The bullets disintegrated as soon as they left the muzzle of the guns.

    I bet if you need to avoid leaving a bullet to analyze you could use frozen mercury bullets. They probably would leave a telltale residue on the barrel.

  5. Amy,

    We could make some of those ice bullets, if we can keep them from melting in the gun. Keeps rusting my gun.

    laura a

  6. Wow … excellent theory iMom !!! 🙂 Sounds like a winner !!

    Ice bullets are soooo kewl … effective, yet leaves no residual ballistic evidence, at least in theory !! Do they really exist or are they just in the conspiracy books that I read ??

  7. I’ll bet the earring fell down your back and into said underwear

    because when you put the necklace on you reached back

    which caused your back to be concave

    and reaching also raised your shoulders

    which caused your spine to move forward

    and opened up said underwear, just a skosh

    so that when the earring fell off the necklace

    it had a curved, but easy path.

    Nez pas?

    Either that, or the dude on the grassy knoll shot an ice bullet with the earring embedded in it, and the ice just melted away, leaving the earring in your pantaloons!

  8. Hmmmmmm….. sounds like the infamous “single earring theory”….

    I guess the only question I have is did the earring pass through the thigh of someone else, take a left turn, an enter the back of your neck before lodging in your posterior?


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