Another Honest Answer
Time: Immediately after releasing from a kiss with a guy.
Delivery: In whispered tones.
Him: “Whoa … where did you learn to do that?”
Me: “From kissing other women.”
I swear …
Sometimes I kill myself !! LOL 🙂
I used to be one of these. In fact, I was telling Kenna earlier this week, That I would really like a nice guy in my life. Well, That’s really not true … I do have a nice guy in my life, He’s incredibly nice … And to me even, But he’s not like here,…
No … I’m not talking about being “read” in the typical transsexual sense … Where those like myself, who are attempting to just blend into society to casual and less acquiantances as nothing other than the girl they appear, are figured out, spotted, “read” by someone and identified as a transsexual, or misidentified in other…
I received a phone call today and asked if I would be willing to participant in a Bachelor Auctioooon … You know, package myself up in a date and then let myself be sold to the highest bidder. Totally amusing !! 🙂 I don’t know who suggested me, but I declined. Seriously, even if this…
So my Dad saw me for the first time yesterday ! 🙂 Very Kool ! Mom had called me late in the afternoon and needed me to review some documents for her … Which is no problem, But she needed them reviewed immediately … And I was in the midst of prepping for a trial,…
Wow ….. guess what ….. now that we’re into the Summer Schedule here at 🙂 wb ……. on occasion, you get to read about all things Implementation ….. which I’m really not too crazy about even documenting …. ’cause it’s really boring I think …. I mean, seriously, I’m not at all into 96.1%…
Editor’s Note: As with any grieving process, the 5 stages always seem pretty consistent … Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance … all have been represented here, except for the Bargaining stage. I didn’t do a separate post on Bargaining because I never seriously considered it a possibility. You see, I feel pathetic as a result…
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Yeah …
I was counting on that when I tossed it out !! 🙂 *snicker*
Too funny….sad thing is though (or to coin a mid-western verbage) see, thing of it is is – say that to a guy and immediately (no matter how nice he might be) starts thinking girl-on-girl action – seriously….:?
Ahhhh, just to make this clear …
That particular Amyism wasn’t said anytime recently …
It was a while ago.
Though something happened recently where I was reminded of the incident …