Cracker Barrel Full of Laughs

So …

It’s really no great secret that I like to laugh.

And I do it very well !! πŸ™‚

I got that “really enjoying a good laugh” gene from both my parents,

Though I tend to exhibit “laughing my ass off” behavior in a manner more similar to my dad with …

Mucho, mucho tears of laughter. πŸ™‚ (Once my dad was laughing so hard that a stranger thought he was having a heart attack.)


Today we congregated at a Cracker Barrel for our weekly family Sunday brunch …

And I was listening to the adult comedy channel on my XM radio as I pulled into the parking lot.

Jeff Foxworthy was on and doing a really funny bit about a peanut butter and jelly sandwich …

So I parked my car and remained seated while I listened to the rest of it.

And while listening …

I got the giggles …

Really bad !!

My eyes were quite watery …

And I could tell there were some tear drops rolling down my face as his bit finished,

But before I had a chance to recover,

Another comedian started a routine making fun of John Madden !

And it was phreaking hilarious !!!

I lost it.

There I was …

Sitting my car,

Holding myself I was laughing so hard,


Gasping to catch my breath,

With tears just rolling all over my face !!

Knock, knock, knock

I opened my eyes to notice the tears blurring my sight.

I wiped my eyes a bit and looked out my car window to see an older man standing in what appeared to be his “just got out of church” clothes,

So I rolled downed my window.

Are you okay, ma’am?

Yes,” I said as the giggles started to resume, “I just heard something really funny on the radio, that’s all. Thanks though.

Fortunately, I had forgotten to put on my mascara before I left the house,

So face recovery was fairly simple.

Anyways …

Since I enjoyed a really good laugh today,

I want to try and share one with you.

So go check out Skippy’s List.

It’s hilarious …

Listing all sorts of silly things he’s been told NOT to do while serving in the U.S. Army !! πŸ™‚

(Now granted, I’m sure there are some people who might be all pissy that a military man would actually did things to generate comments like these from his superiors … but to those folks … just loosen up !! πŸ™‚ Some of these things are funny … my top 10 favs are: 2, 29, 33 & 34, 48, 83, 95, 97, 115, 129, 130.)

Yeah, yeah, yeah … I completely absconded with this link from Geoffrey. I don’t think he’ll mind though, he’s nice to me.

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  1. I love Larry the Cable Guy. I didn’t expect to like him, but he’s *hilarious!*

    Ironic that he’s from Nebraska, though. πŸ™‚

    Git ‘er done!!

  2. “Do you ever pass out in your car on a Friday night in some safe, empty parking lot, and then wake up the next morning in the middle of a flea market?”

    Lord, I apologize…..

  3. OMG Larry the Cable Guy is great !!!!

    … just a tip from your ol’ Uncle Larry !! LOL LOL

    “Do you ever pass out in your car on a Friday night in some safe, empty parking lot, and then wake up the next morning in the middle of a flea market?”

    He’s got a new show coming out this Fall on the WB Network.

  4. Amy that was freakin hillarious…..I worked with Foxworthy prior to him becoming famous…he was a riot back then too….keep up the posting, I look forward to it more then you will ever know….talk to ya later!

  5. Thanks for the link to this Amy. I’d seen it before but still think it’s hysterically funny. I was sitting in Starbucks with people all around me staring at me. What is she on? Is she dying?

    I esp. like 76, 123-127, 2 (of course!).

    Long history of laughing uncontrollably — even in public places.

    Does get you some odd looks but the laughter feels so good.

    Keep laughing Amy.


  6. Hi, Amy,

    First-time poster, short-time reader. πŸ™‚

    I think I found your blog via Gwen Smith’s link. Something like that.

    Anyway, I’m reading the 213 Things Skippy Can’t Do. I can’t stop laughing. Well, I am in a cease-fire, so to speak, so I can write this.

    Yes, Jeff Foxworthy is hilarious. Actually, my current favorite stand-up comedian (besides Ellen, Margaret Cho and Robin Williams) is Bill “Here’s Your Sign” Engvall. He was on Comedy Central last night, and I was in pain and crying. My gf hadn’t seen me laugh so hard since we bought our Ellen DeGeneres DVD, well, last week.

    The way life’s been lately, we need all the laughs we can get.

    Keep up the cool entries!

    Arielle in TX

  7. When I was in the Navy, I did some of those things. I think that may have had something to do with why I was never promoted…….really short military career.

  8. I remember reading it on your site before, actually had to search my site to see if I had stolen it from you then …

    *snicker* *snicker* I know you’re always nice, it’s just that your site is sorta scary at times … being the free-for-all of opinions on current events and all that it is … so I just like to remind people that you are the nice one !! πŸ™‚

  9. I’ve posted that list a few times over the past year, and every time I read it I sit here laughing my ass off.

    And I’m nice to everyone. Just ask anyone you meet “You know Geoffrey?” and they’ll all reply “Hell yeah, he’s so nice. Heart of gold, I tell ya.

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