Monday Morning Coffee

So this morning, I was innocently minding my business,

Slowly getting ready to go into the office,

Enjoying cup number 8 of my daily 15+ cups of coffee,

When I wandered back from my bedroom into my fort, aka den.

I checked my e-mail and saw that I had an e-mail from Tiger’s Brain. (Tiger was formerly known as Coffee, I changed his nickname at his request after agreeing that referring to him as Coffee showed no originality on my part whatsoever, while calling him Tiger with the subtle allusions to possible golf prowess was funny in the same way that referring to Shaft as Shaft was funny … he’s no where like it ! 🙂 Tiger’s Brain is his wife, obviously !)

Kewl !!!! I love getting e-mails from her !! What a great way to start the week ! 🙂

Hey !

Does Dr. 172 know or is he just a really good doctor? (which I don’t buy!)

Here is the situation. I called Dr. 172 to get him to pick up his damn Girl Scout Cookies. Got on to the topic of this year’s golf outting and this is how it went.

Me: Is it on?
Him: Not sure, I can only go in August.
Me: Some sarcastic comment about how nice it is to be a single, rich doctor with no kids.
Me: You know, Tiger and Joe aren’t going?
Him: Why isn’t Joe going?
Me: How should I know?
Him: I have my theory.
Me: Yeah? What is it?
Him: He is having a sex change operation.
Me (after recovering my breath): What is your evidence?
Him: I just think so.

Then he went into how this doctor he knows is having one (man, who knew it was so common?) … blah, blah, blah. Then thankfully, dinner was ready.

So, my question:

1. Was this a test for me, because I did not give? Although, it was good he did not see my face when he said his theory.
2. Does he know?
3. Is he really an observant doctor?

Hope things are going well.

Tiger’s Brain.

Wow … I’m really not sure how Dr. 172 was able to draw such an accurate conclusion.

I certainly didn’t tell him, and definitely didn’t do that as a test of Tiger’s Brain … seriously, those two know more about all the rest of us than anyone, mainly I think because they are information vaults … you know you can trust them.

And I haven’t seen Dr. 172 since last year’s golf outting, nor have I talked or e-mailed with him. I guess I would be surprised if my hair gave it away then and I didn’t think I exhibited many other obvious signs, though who knows. However, it is consistent with my prior experience that when someone has familiarity with transsexualism, they are much more aware of the signs in others.

Though, on the other hand, it had to have been something obvious, I mean … he can’t be that good of an observant doctor … your friends can never really be good at what they do for a living. Seriously, how can you imagine anyone really good at what they do when you’ve seen them passed out drunk and drooling on themselves?

Oh well, guess I better give him a call ! 🙂

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  1. I wonder if they’re big ABBA fans? You might have Coffee’s Brain ask them if they like ABBA. If they say I Do, I Do, I Do, then I think we may just have an answer. Knowing Me, Knowing You, I would say that is a great possibility.

    I don’t think he’s One of Us, so I don’t think you need to send an SOS on this.

    You are the The Dancing Queen, however, so word might have gotten out, and he put two and two together.

    He just might have seen the look in your eyes the last time you guys were together. You know the look, “I’m Just A Girl!”

    I don’t know, all you can say is, Dum Dum Diddle! After all, it is a Crazy World!

    It’s Just A Notion!

  2. Hmmmm … I think that would be pretty unlikely. I’ve had people who knew I had a website, but whom I didn’t share it with, search it out and find it … but they had to Google for it with useful search terms … perky, transsexual, tease, Amy, bar whore … you know, the usual descriptives ! 🙂 I think the only way someone would stumble across it otherwise would be if they had an issue of their own sorts, but who knows. Now I’ll probably get a bunch of e-mails or comments from people in my real life who have been reading this krap saying they just stumbled across it looking for a Wall Street Journal ! 🙂

  3. Yeah … I think if he had seen me recently, he’d have definitely figured it out … but he nor any of the others in that circle of friends have seen me since last June …

    Hmmmmm … good point Danielle ! 🙂

  4. your doctor friend COULD have guessed, but if you want him to stop guessing out loud, you’d better talk with him…

  5. Aims,

    I had a similar experience, but the guessing didn’t come from a doctor…

    …or even from someone who plays a doctor on television…

    Sometimes, folks figure this stuff out before we are ready to, or have the opportunity to tell them.


  6. yup…both of those make you look female, even if YOU can’t see it.

    Nice of him to be aware, but leave it unsaid…


  7. I understand why you perhaps fixate on your chest, but in terms of what hormones do, it’s only part. There are body changes, muscle mass changes and upfront facial changes, too. The changes to the face are usually easy to spot, even when someone doesn’t know exactly what has changed. Given someone who’s see similar changes in someone else, they may be able to connect the two even if they can’t pin down exactly what it is that strikes them as similar.

  8. Last time I saw him I probably had over 250 hours of electrolysis and I had been on hormones for about 16 months at that point. Think that was it ? Remember … I’m tastefully (?) understated as far as breast development goes.

  9. Two tells: How much electro had you completed and how long had you been on hormones last time you met?

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