E-Mail From Dad

My dad sent Bro and me the following e-mail:

Count the “F’s” in the following text:

Managed it ? Okay, after you have counted them, then

Do you think there are 3?

Wrong, there are 6 !!–no joke.

Read it again.

The brain cannot process “OF”.

Incredible or what ? Go back and look again!!

Anyone who counts all 6 “F’s” on the first go is a genius. Three is normal, four is quite rare.

Now, I had received this e-mail in the past, and it still amazes me how I can only see three when I read and count them for the first time. Which is what happened again, until I became aware the word OF was the magic word, I only was counting three F’s. (I have no idea if it works the same way when posted on a website.)

But confirming that I’m no genius and only normal isn’t the reason for this post …

I just wanted to share my short reply e-mail to Dad:

Dad, I don’t F’n get it !

(There’s a slim chance that I stole that line from one of The UnUsual Suspects when that e-mail was passing around us, I don’t recall it being mentioned, but I really can’t believe I’d think of it before Singer or Hottie, so if I stole it from you of you two, I’m sorry. On the other hand, there’s no way I would have stolen it from Miss Daisy, whose response would have most likely been “Huh?” or Sister, who would have definitely said “I don’t fucking get it.” πŸ™‚

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  1. The Rainman joke is more pertinent than you’d think. People with autism can be great at taking in huge amounts of detail while having equally great difficulties apprehending the whole.

  2. It’s like that classic “Paris in the the Spring” sign that appears in psychology textbooks. It’s called cognitive laziness – you don’t process things that your brain just assumes to be there. When you read something quickly, you take in the essentials only and skip the details. “Finished”, “Files” and “scientific” are essential to the meaning, but the “ofs” are only secondary, which is why you miss them.

    I only counted 3 fs, and I’m a Ph. D. That said, I’m not a very bright Ph. D……

  3. Wait a minute, high IQ’s look at anal stuff? Hold on – iMom – you’re a proctologist, right? I’m ok now. Whew.

  4. Sorry, chica, counted 6.

    It’s my job, I’m anal-retentive.

    I’m also up there in IQ, so we look at that kind of stuff. Sometimes, it’s not fun being a geek.

  5. What? You thing the great and all powerful Yodette could have overlooked three “F”s?

    Pay no attention to that woman behind the curtain!

  6. The mind simplifies and habitually edits the chaff to focus on the wheat. There are certain mental conditions where the brain doesn’t process data that way, but I’d hardly term those with the conditions “genius”.

  7. Whatever !! πŸ™‚ LOL

    And a pre-emptive Whatever to all the rest of you that get more than 3 !! πŸ™‚

    Though will someone who only counted 3 please admit it so I don’t feel like the only butt !! πŸ™‚

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