Amy Hair Advisory

Please be forewarned that since I am getting my hair done this afternoon, there is an 80% probability that within the next 48 hours, there will be a post from me distraught with the changes. Please take any necessary precautions.

Bangs, the item on the agenda for today is … bangs. As I’m growing the locks out … I don’t expect much removal … just some shaping. And I can’t remember if I’m due for a coloring or not … if I am, I going back to my lighter shade, with highlights and lowlights interspersed … you know, that whole texture thing. But the issue for me today is what to do with my bangs. I’m not contemplating them solely to cover my forehead scar, as I raally (intentional, I’m mocking somebody :)) don’t care, and my concealer covers it anyways.

I just like having my hair fall in my face, it’s a fun flirting move. (Amy Flirt Move 821 – Let your hair fall in your face, make fleeting glances in the directioooon of your mark so that he’s not really sure if you’re looking at him or not … he can’t really tell because your hair is covering your eyes. Look away from your mark and brush back your hair with one hand, tucking it behind your ear. As you are tucking it behind your ear, make a slow, deliberate move of your eyes in his direction, toss out a sweet, friendly smile, hold eye contact for no longer than 1.5 seconds and then return your eyes to the direction they were originally, joining whatever conversation you have to pretend that you were a participant. It’s not enough encouragement to attract a nice guy, you need to implement a few more Amy Flirt Moves for such men, but it’s a good foundation on which to start. However, if your mark approaches you with that little encouragement, he’s most likely a player and out for one thing. If you’re mooding, milk him for a few drinks. And remember your friends, when your skills are working, you can often get him to buy a drink for your barmate as well. But don’t forget, players are out for one thing, they won’t get too pissed if you cut them loose early when there are plenty of others on which to work their charms (so they think), but don’t keep their attention too long, otherwise they won’t be happy.

Amyways, my hair currently works nice and flirty on the sides, but I want to work a style where I can have some wisps of bangage (not the usually context with which I use that word) … so that’s my objective for today.

You have been warned. πŸ™‚

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  1. I did thanks !!

    Well, it’s actually harder clearing my docket than one might think, but that’s essentially what I have done.

    I don’t know if I will return to practice law in my existing setting … I know I won’t do the same type of thing … and I don’t know if I have the energy or drive to rebuild a practice for myself … since I lot of my past energy came from my previous avoidance response. I might just get a 9-5, government attorney gig with benefits, low/moderate pay, holidays off, a pension and call it good.

  2. I hope you got the style you wanted!

    As for going full-time…might it not be possible for you to clear your desk at work (take no new cases for the time being and conclude outstanding matters) and then take a short vacation, returning as Amy?

  3. Bangs are an option if they work with the shape of your face. On the other hand, it will be hard to do “boy” mode with bangs. You’re ready to drop the boy facade, finally?

    Wow! Ready for the angst of both a new doo _and_ the comittment to full-time. Brave.


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