Just a Quickie

Wow !! I did it !! πŸ™‚

I have no idea just what the hell I did … as I really haven’t been able to get a good glance at the results … but whatever I did… went pretty much as expected.

I checked in at 7:15 a.m.

And checked out at 5:30 p.m.

During that time … Shaft and I goofed off in the surgical offices for a bit, took plenty of pictures, tossed out more that a few Monty Python quotes … It’s only a flesh wound … and I got my face cut up.

Surprisingly, at least to me anyways, the forehead work, where the most agressive stuff was done, hasn’t seemed to cause me much discomfort as of yet. The top of my head feels kinda weird, but not painful. Though that might be because it’s all bandaged up.

However, the rhinoplasty completely blew … the nasal packing forcing you to breath through your mouth sucks … and my nose just drains and drains and drains. I thought it was going to stop sometime Sunday, but it’s about 1:30 a.m. Monday and I’m still dripping gross stuff.

But the worst by far has been my liposuction in my waist … holy krap !! Honest to gawd, it better look good, because otherwise it sure wasn’t worth the pain. And I have a pretty high threshold of pain.

Nonetheless, after all has been said and done … I’ve been pleasantly surprised with my lack of extreme discomfort. I didn’t throw up at all and the anesthesia didn’t drunk me up too bad. It’s kinda wild to think that I did this just two days ago and am already back recovering at my parents’ house. It sorta makes me think I’ll be disappointed in the results, because I almost feel like I didn’t hurt as much as I should have hurt.

Who knows though … I’ll post the pics and you be the judge. Mom seems to think that I might not be able to pull of boy much longer, but all she’s seen really are my new lips. πŸ™‚

I’ll post the details later … I’ll have the time. But I have to give huge props and special thanks to Shaft ! Gawd, what a friend, he drove me there, entertained me, cared for me and was just simply super. There’s no one like the big guy. πŸ™‚

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  1. Thanks Sarah, Kacie and Claire ! πŸ™‚ Yes … isn’t the turbin lovely. I was looking for one at ‘Nana Republic, but found this one at a little specialty shop in Chi-town ! πŸ™‚ It comes off tomorrow !! Eeeek !! That’s when the real terror begins !! πŸ™‚ Pain hasn’t been too bad. Once the nasal packing was removed, life improved dramatically. I still haven’t felt much pain up top, just some dull headaches, but that might be mitigated by copious quantities of Vicodin. Contrary to my general tendency of avoiding any pain meds, I’ve been partaking as recommended this time around. πŸ™‚

  2. Congratulations on being so brave!
    Having your head in all those bandages looks really painfull, I hope it doesn’t hurt as bad as it looks like it does. -worried-

    I guess with your new looks you’re going to be famous like that girl Kate (er – you know, -that- one).

    I like the style of bandage, I was expecting the old fashioned turban, but the ‘Grey Alien’ look is very modern. :o)

    Get well sooooooooooooon!

  3. WOW!! You Look lovely!
    But really congratulations on your operation. I hope that you are feeling well and have great drugs for any pain or discomfort you may have.
    I also have no doudt after talking to Dr. Z on Friday that you are going to be a “Knock Out”. And I hope he can do the same for me. :))

  4. *snicker* *snicker* Hi Si !! Thanks for the text message !! πŸ™‚ Yeah, scary pic, huh ?? I’ve got a couple more that are way worse that I’ll be sharing soon !! πŸ™‚

  5. Congratulations, but by gawd that cover photo is sooo appropriate for Halloween! Better yet, on Halloween, tell all your old friends just how FAR you’ll go to get a good costume.

  6. It does !! lol I’ve got this little hole in the top where some of my hair can poke out … and it’s all yuck from the antibaterial bath they doused me with before surgery … I can’t wait for a shower. I’m anxious to remove the turbin because that where I want to see the results. I’m anticipating the typical over-exaggerated surprised look until things settle down, but I want to see some nice contouring and smoothing. In the meantime, the turbin has protected me from bumping my head against things while not realizing it more than once ! πŸ™‚

  7. Somebody in the middleages, it might have been “Vlad the Impaler”, was offended when the Turkish ambassadors wouldn’t remove their turbin’s in his presence. He had the turbins nailed to their heads.

    After the scalp work it feels a little like some mad king has had a wooden hat nailed to your head, doesn’t it?

  8. Hi Yodette !! πŸ™‚ Actually, he did warn me about the scalp numbness, I just thought that I was special and would not be affected by it ! πŸ™‚ I simply cannot imagine a tummy tuck, this liposuction totally hurts like crazy … I definitely should have paid closer attention when reading Caitlin’s experience. πŸ™‚

  9. One more thing: Until you get the feeling back in your scalp, avoid having your hair done in a salon where they put it in rollers and park you under a hairdrier. With the scalp numb you can’t tell when the heat is too high and it’s too easy to have your scalp burned.

  10. Good gravy train, girlfriend! Didn’t your surgeon warn you about scalp numbness? Expect it to last at least a year while the nerves cut at the hairline re-grown. I think parts of my scalp were numb for four years or more.

    Be glad you didn’t have the full tummy tuck. I have no first hand experience, but women I know who’ve had it done tell me it’s significantly worse than the lipo. They’ve also warned me, as you’ve discovered, the lipo’s no picnic.

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