Calling From The Bar

So …

I received a telephone call from my state bar association this morning,

Which obviously stressed me out …

‘Cause it’s like getting a call from a judge …

It’s usually because you did something wrong.


Actually …

I can’t say that from experience,

As it was the first time I’ve ever gotten a telephone call from my state bar association.


I returned the call …

Thinking …

Oh krap” the entire time.

So imagine my surprise when it was one of the people in Member Services calling me …

Asking me if I’d like her to do something which would make things easier for me in the future,

As far as not having to explain things.

It was totally legit,

And really a one-time-only issue,

But it was something that had krossed my mind and made me wonder how I was going to be able to do it without outing myself to someone new.

I was like …

Wow, that’d be really nice, I’d really appreciate that. Thanks for thinking of it and calling me.

No problem at all Ms. Preston. I was updating your records and just thought that it might make things easier for you, so I figured I’d give you a call and ask.

It really does, I was wondering what I was going to have to do there. Thank you again. I really appreciate it.

Glad to help Ms. Preston. I hope everything goes well for you.

Now how phreaking kewl is that ?? 🙂

I had been told my state bar association was ts-aware and friendly, but that was totally awesome.

Editor’s Note: Ya know, I think that conversation doubles the number of times I’ve been called Ms. Preston. 🙂

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  1. Thanks for the props on the pic Jennifer … you know me … I’ll all about being young and innocent !!! 🙂 *snicker* *snicker*

  2. Yeah … I’ve been doing mine pretty much on an as-the-situation-arises basis and have yet to encounter anything but decent, if not positive, experiences.

    You know what I screw up all the time still is when I sign a check … I scribble my old name way too often still by habit ! lol 🙂

  3. Ms Preston, Doesn’t that even sound better now that you know that it is officaly legal. My name change and divorce came thru two weeks ago. I keep getting caught by people like that too, especally if it is someone I only knew as my former self. I also keep forgeting when asked for my signiture for something, I have to stop and think a bit. Isn’t fun? trying to get everything changed over- Not! I’m scrambling to get the important things changed before Oct13, when I have my FFS with San Francisco. So far I have not encountered any problems or difficulties having my records changed over, there are just a bunch to do. The people I have delt with have been very respectful as well.

  4. Way kewl Amy! It’s so nice when things go smoothly.

    My local bar association has been understanding and respectful but less than helpful at this point.

    Current next step is to change a permit. The people there tend to be a little conservative and it sounds like a case of first impression. Walking in, saying that I need to make a small change in the permit and showing a VERY boy picture on the permit will be interesting. (Ask Makenna about the picture!)

    This and the change of the name on the door are such big steps. Congratulations!


    PS Like the new picture of you on the swing — very cute and young and innocent.

    PPS Didn’t your mom tell you about VBS (visiible bra straps)? You shameless hussy!

  5. Ms. Preston … still sounds sorta strange. As I was telling Cousin Golfer over the weekend, I don’t answer well to Ma’am or Miss either. I’m just not used to hearing those words directed to me yet.

    On the other hand, Shaft has me totally trained to answer to the call out “Hey Bitch“. 🙂

  6. Remember ‘Kenna, I’m a modest gal … very few people ever get the privilege of seeing Amanda and Nicole, and trust me, it is a privilege !! 🙂

  7. Good news babe. Nice to have SOMETHING go smoothly with this…

    And to think…you didn’t even have to show them the girls!


  8. Yuhpers … it was all part of getting my records changed with the bar as I requested. The entire phone call was totally respectful and gender references weren’t even made with regards to the records I was changing … it was one offering a very practical convenience. I was very impressed.

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