
I don’t get this whole gender identity disorder/dysphoria thing.

For the life of me, I can’t figure out, comprehend or explain why at some intrinsic level, the being of me, is female.

Why I know that,

And why I’d lose everything to express that,

Especially when gender roles in general have such great room for overlapping

And flexibility,

I don’t get.

I just don’t get it.

I’ve given up trying to figure it out.

I just accept it.

So I totally understand why others can’t get it either.

But just because I understand their difficulty,

That doesn’t make it any easier for them.

Or me.

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  1. i’ve started reading _she’s not there_ (got to page 83) and was talking, again, with my therapist about the colourblind world analogy;
    if the whole world were red/green colourblind,
    except for 1 in 12,000 people…

    nobody but us knows that lobsters change colour
    when you cook them,
    or that tomatoes change colour
    when they’re ripe…

    some people would be open-minded enough
    to accept the possibility;
    and people with whom we had
    good relationships could probably trust us,
    and believe that we do see something
    they can’t see…
    but most people would think we were crazy…

  2. It boils down to a question of respect. If they believe you’re truthful when you tell them you’ve felt what you feel for a very long time, and they accept that you haven’t suddenly turned incompus mentus (sp?), anyone who respects you ought to respect your decision and your mental and emotional competence to make it. Only you can determine how the loss/gain balance tilts for your life. (Lass/gain balance? 🙂

    A parent may have problem from old habit respecting your judgement. Sometimes parents can’t let go of the “I’m your parent, so I know what’s best for you” reflex. It’s a good presumption for raising a child, but when the child becomes a mature adult, the habit, no matter how lovingly felt, is disrespectful.

    Can you accept advice and opinions from people who don

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