Friday Five for June 27, 2003

I’ve got a bunch of posts on which I’m working as I continue to sort things out in my mind as part of my phunk self-diagnosis … so my apologies in advance for the brevity of this week’s answers.

1. How are you planning to spend the summer?

Prepping for transition … finding a new job, planning for a new face, coordinating my departure from my practice, organizing my move, telling people I’m a girl … you know, the basics. 🙂

2. What was your first summer job?

I had a paper route when I was 13, but that really doesn’t count as a summer job. My first real summer job was when I was 14, I was a cook at an A&W Drive-In … I made $1.50/hr, though after two weeks, I got a raise to $2.00/hr !! woo hooo !! 🙂

3. If you could go anywhere this summer, where would you go?

Hmmm … I really have no interest going anywhere right now … but I really want to go to Cedar Point this summer, great roller coasters, so I’ll say that.

4. What was your worst vacation ever?

I’ve only taken three vacations in my life. My honeymoon, a cruise with Ex and a week trip to Disney in Florida with my parents, brother and his family. None of them were bad at all … the cruise and the Disney trip were both so great, I’d have to give them top billing, so I guess I’d have to say the honeymoon by default. I’m not counting any of my childhood vacations because they were all great ! 🙂

5. What was your best vacation ever?

As mentioned in answer four, the cruise and the Disney trip tie for the best ever.

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  1. Ok, so I was way out on a limb in this one, too. I told Amy I though it was a dog before I Googled it. The crown and the roses stay put. You retain the trivia throne, Debbie. Congrats.

  2. Oh wow … I gotta admit … I was wrong too. I thought Jeff was a dog. I think Shaft should let you keep the roses, ’cause you went to the extra effort and all. 🙂

  3. ok ok i cheated on this one. I wanted to say,”a dog” or, alternatively, “a bag of fries” (DON’T ASK….if mickeydee can having freakin’ mayor mccheese, then why not a bag of fries?? I know you can picture it in your head)

    but neither felt right for sure….know what I mean?

    so I googled it…that’s right I GOOGLED IT.

    Jeff is a red-headed boy, chefs hat, apron…

    I’ll return the roses, but the crown…can I keep it?

  4. *golf clap* *golf clap*

    Well done Debbie !! I wish I could say you just beat me to the answer, but I didn’t know that one.

    I think I know the answer to the bonus question though.

  5. Debbie, picture yourself walking the runway with a crown on your head and roses in your arms. You are wearing the trivia crown! *golf clap* And for the bonus round, Jeff was a………….? (person, place, thing, etc.) Sorry, everyone, for dragging this string deeper down the black hole of totally useless information.

  6. ok….it’s burger chef….AND JEFF…right? I swear I remember that jingle from another one of my Useless Trivia Synapses. (i’m now picturing the imperial margarine crown above my head)

    oh and the glass mugs…somewhere I still have a kids sized a&w mug that grandpa gave to me.

    …and I worked my way through college at a…what-a-burger….can you say “double meat with cheese”?? mmmmmm, tasty!

    oops…sorry for the “misty watercolored” memories (ack! a baba ref)

  7. Remember how the burgers were wrapped in foil and the root beer and orange soda was served in the glass mugs? Sorry, Sianna, I grew up going to an A & W myself. Does anyone remember going to Burger Chef? If so, who was Burger Chef’s sidekick? The trivia crown awaits.

  8. there ARE three sides to every story…
    i’m sort of brushing aside happy memories of
    both (a&w and dog-n-suds, not amy and shaft)

  9. No way !! That’s sooo cool !! Did you scarf lots of free root beer ?? You know how sometimes when you work at a restaurant and after you quit, you never want to eat there again … it wasn’t that way for me at all with A&W Root beer … by far the best ever ! Booooo Dog ‘n Suds !! Yea A&W !!

  10. HA! my grandfather owned an A&W Root Beer Stand in a town outside Chicago! He taught me an everlasting hatred for the dreaded “Dog ‘n Suds” drive-ins which were his arch rival.

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