Friday Five for April 4, 2003

1. How many houses/apartments have you lived in throughout your life? Seriously people, I’m not that old ….. my parents liked to move a lot ….. we never changed school districts, we never changed phone numbers, sometimes we built a house on a lot next door and moved there …… and I’ll have to maybe…

Good Feeling War Story

Just a quickie (I’ve gotta stop using that word !! lol). So cool ….. check out this story …… not only did Private First Class Jessica Lynch’s rescue occur because of the assistance of an Iraqi citizen (after seeing her tortured) ….. who risked his life many times to provide information regarding her whereabouts ………

Nothing Really Important

Did you ever watch the show Herman’s Head? It was on FOX in the early 90’s and was a fun view (Duet was good too, before they turned Laura into an alcoholic and moved the focus away from her and Ben …. oh, some trivia …. Ellen DeGeneres started out on Duet.) Anyways …. the…

Shaft Blinks

So ….. I told Shaft today that I was going to tell Tenant (he rents an office from us and hangs out with us quite a bit, he’s a good guy, we like him) today about my transsexualism and my impending plans. And Shaft is like ….. clearly hestitant about me doing that …. it…

Catfish at Bob Evan’s

Zoinks !!! Where the heck have I been ?? Barely posting anything, simply unacceptable !! :0 I’ve actually been busy …. got a nice new criminal case …. selling out my personal beliefs and morals once again for the almighty dollar ….. well, that almighty dollar earned is going straight to Dr. O …. hope…