Nothing Really Important

Did you ever watch the show Herman’s Head? It was on FOX in the early 90’s and was a fun view (Duet was good too, before they turned Laura into an alcoholic and moved the focus away from her and Ben …. oh, some trivia …. Ellen DeGeneres started out on Duet.) Anyways …. the premise of Herman’s Head is that you go inside his brain and observe him thinking out issues and situations ….. sorta like my site !! Kewl, huh ?? Anyways, I’m just rambling on a bit …… in a meager attempt to avoid being accused of writing another fluff piece !! 😛 Truth hurts though. lol

Have you ever noticed how I try to always throw a teaser line here on the front page ….. sort of to hook you into that post ….. and then force you to continue to another page in order to finish reading the post …. just like the annoying tactic the real newspapers do ?? So with that being said ….. 🙂

I’ve got a boob problem …..

Yep …. my boobs ……. last night at bowling (only one week of bowling left ….. and I mean that literally …… unbeknownst to all but myself and Shaft …… after 5 years of weekly Wednesday night friendship and fun with Singer, Hottie, Shaft and Sister ……. it’s ending next Wednesday ……. big-time bummer) ….. they were really noticable to me, in fact, more than a bit uncomfortable ….. and I noticed when at work ….. if I’m sitting down …. and my shirt is somewhat tense against my bod …… there’s obvious boobage ….. and not the type of boobage that Shaft has ….. you know, the “sure, you can call them pecks, but I don’t think pecks are supposed to touch your belly” type of boobage ……. but the …… nicely shaped, on the small side, but obvious without any assistance from a bra, type …..

It’s become really apparent to me because I had a recent growth spurt over the past couple of months ….. now granted, I’m still smaller than I want to be, but …… well, you know …. any question as to whether I have breasts or not can now be clearly resolved in the affirmative, unless I’m taking precautions …..

Which got me thinking ….. my precautions work because it’s been winter ….. and much more easily disguised with the use of layering …..

But Spring is in the air ….. it’s starting to get nice out ….. and I’m going to have an issue for the next couple of months …. and I’m really not sure there’s a workable solution …… other than the loose shirts and hunched over posture approach ……

But then again ….. it might not be too much of a problem …… my casual time in boy mode has been diminishing rapidly lately …… pretty much limited solely to those situations where I’m interacting with family and friends ….

Oppps, I gotta run ….. have to pick a jury ….. if you’re ever in a jury pool and during voir dire defense counsel asks you what you watched on television the night before …. that might be me !! 🙂 (For your information, probably 25% of the time I get yelled at for asking that question ….. whatever !! 🙂 )

Oh, and sorry about this completely no-nothing post, in some respects, it probably doesn’t even qualify for a fluff piece ….. but it served a purpose for me …… and remember …… 🙂


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  1. Yes …. yes ….. yes !!!! You are absolutely correct Stacy !! I’m so proud of you !! 🙂 Yeardley Smith was on Herman’s Head (and had a great sense of comedic timing in my opinion). And the actresses that played Heddy and Angel on Herman’s Head played Ross’ ex-wife and her lover on Friends.

  2. okay,
    voir means to see
    and dire means to say,
    so voir dire means
    to see what they say–
    so what’s wrong with asking what they watched
    last night?

    when i started the transition thing,
    i hadn’t even started on the estrogen;
    i just got a pair of prosthetic boobs…
    after a year,
    i had to revert to male mode (for 2&1/2 yrs)
    during that time i gained 35 pounds,
    so they blended in alright…
    when i got back to presenting female,
    i got the enhancers…
    now i seem to have leveled off at a delightful
    and i’m sure my boobies
    will still look great
    when i’m 90…

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