Not Quite Scientific

Apparently in the minds of some, my transsexualism renders me incapable to being a good parent and good with children …

However, someday I would like to adopt (if the the man I land doesn’t bring me an instant family) …

And I’d hate to see results of krap like this used to make it more difficult.

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  1. ROFLMAO … MD !!! Darn it, warn me before you toss a comment like that in there … you made me snort water through my nose by generating an ill-timed laugh !!

    I’ve so got to stop drinking while reading these comments ! 🙂

  2. Thanks Shaft… I want to do it eventually, but I have to get that actual drives license back into my hands, so I wouldn’t have to send the adopted kid to the store at 3 to get my cigs… lol

  3. A and MD, while I can’t change the law and the far right mindset, I can use the existing laws and the system to the best of my ability. When the time comes that you are serious about adoption, come see me.

  4. With a URL of “”, would you expect anything but another “trash the queers” website?

  5. Don’t apologize for the language !! 🙂 I always enjoy a good rant with a mixture of sarcasm, valid points and swear words ! 🙂

  6. If you remember… us fags kicked the American Family Association’s ( on their poll about gay’s getting married.

    It’s sad, that people thing sexuality and other things make a parent, when its the person, not the cloths they wear, the sex of the person they sleep with, etc…

    I would like to adopt someday, but I am gay… therefor, I will rape anything that moves. Well, not really… thats what “they” say.

    Excuse my lenguage… its pretty fucked though… throughout the USA, Europe, Asia, etc. there are hundreds of thousands of children that need to be adopted. Yet to some, it is better to leave them in orphanages. Pffft

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