Civic Duty
I’ve lived in my community of residence for 19 years.
I’ve had a valid driver’s license for 25 years.
I’ve been registered to vote for 23 years.
And I’ve never been called for jury duty …
Until last week.
Just for the record …
My home court is also the venue where I reside.
So I’ll be a juror in my home court.
Too funny !
Please note any changes in your name or address on the enclosed questionaire.
Did I ever have a change to note !! 🙂
I’d love to be on a jury …
And I think I might be able to survive a challenge for cause,
But I have to believe the prosecution would use a peremptory to boot me …
“We’d like to thank and excuse Ms. Preston.”
At least I know I would !! 🙂
NY no longer allows attorneys an automatic out if they ask for it. I was in a local jury pool. Defense counsel did a little story to illustrate the difference between evidence and mere claims. All the other potential jurors are nodding their heads. I pointed out that in his example his “evidence” was actually not evidence.
I was SURE I would be struck after pointing out the flaws in defense counsel’s story. Nope. He left me on. (Case plea bargained after prosecution’s case — but I didn’t think the defense was anything but smoke and mirrors.)
Congratulations on doing your civic duty. Do you now have a “Get Out Of Jury Duty For 3 Years” card?
You are now doing serious RLE and by all evidence your beating them like a drum. You are much the inspiration to us all.
P.S. no jury exemptions in my state for persons who are sane non-felons and under 70. Have been stricken all 5 times I have been called.
Would love to sit on one just to hear how they reach those crazy decisions 🙂
I’ve never had the stones to leave an attorney on the bench … I usually try to get them bumped for cause, just because they are attorneys you know ! 🙂 … though it never works and I always have to use a peremptory.
I left the mother of a defense attorney on once which I came to regret. She turned out to be the leader and forced a guilty verdict through.
You never know. I had an insurance defense leave me on a jury because he figured after 13 years of practice, I knew a BS story when I heard it.
He guessed wrong! One other person and I voted for a plaintiff’s verdict!