Just Who Lives There

I live in an older neighborhood ….. in the city proper ….. it’s a nice neighborhood …. adequate ….. it’s pretty much an entry level house …… this is the first house Ex and I owned …… Ex got the nice new one we built in the ‘burbs ….. I took this one …. cause I felt so much guilt at the time ….. you know ….

Anyways ….

In the last 5 years …. the neighborhood has had significant turnover in its residents …..

In fact …… I am now the longest residing resident in the 7 houses nearest mine ….

Doesn’t really matter …..

Cause though we as neighbors sorta, maybe, kinda recognize each other ….

It’s not like we really socialize ……

Or even know one anothers names …..

But that has kinda changed recently …..

It started with the couple who moved in right next door to me …..

A gay couple ….. they moved in about a year ago …. and are nice.

I talk to them ….. know their names ….. and we split the cost of some wood chips …. just normal neighborly stuff …. my nice neighbors

But that was a year ago …. and other than them …..

I still didn’t talk or acknowledge my neighbors much ….

Which is what’s so phreaking phunny to me lately ……

In the last week I’ve met two of my new neighbors …… (including a third about a month ago)

A new neighbor right next door …..

And a new one across the street ……

I met them both this past week in boy-mode …..

But apparently they’ve seem me not in boy-mode !!!

The neighbor across the street ……

I met one lady that lives there with her husband and couple of children ……

I’m not sure where they are from …..

But it’s a pretty thick accent …..

I’m guessing Kenya …. sounds like an accent a TA of mine from Kenya had in undergrad …..

So I had a delivery that for some stupid reason they left with her ……

ahhh, yeah, girl stuff, whatever 😛

Instead of just putting in my door like they almost always do ….. so I’m like …… ahhhh krap ……. I know it’s addressed to Amy ….. oh well …….

So I walk across the street …. suit and tie ….. ring the door bell …… she comes to the door …..

I introduce myself “Hi, I’m Joe Hairdy, your neighbor across the street, I had a note that said to pick up a package here” (How was that for squirrel-y vague?) ……

She smiles ……

“Oh yes, here, for Amy right?” …..

Okay …..

Wow …. her accent was really pretty thick …..

“Ahhh, yes” …. said with a smile !! 🙂 ……

“Do you two have any children?” …….

“Ahhh, no” …. now answered with a smirk.

‘Cause I know for a fact she’s seen Amy …… in fact ….. Amy has waved to her before

“Oh, I have two boys, 4 and 6, there really don’t seem to be any children nearby their age.” …..

“I don’t think there are many, thanks for signing for our package.” …..

And then I leave …. quickly.

Now ….

My neighbor right next door to me …..

On the other side of my house from my nice neighbors …..

Passed away about 6 months ago ….

And the house has been vacant since then …..

About 2 months ago I noticed that there was some work being doing there …. clean-up …. a bit of re-modeling type things …..

I thought it remained empty …..

Yo Aims !! Wake Up Babe !!

Apparently my new neighbor moved in about 6 weeks ago ….

So this morning I met him ….. and it was funny …..

I could tell ….

The poor guy was thoroughly confused …..

He was trying to fish for information …..

But I was skillfully vague ….. lol ……

“I’m single” …..

“No, I live alone” …..

“Yes, that’s my car” ……

“I like it” ……

I can see his brain processing it …….. one car …. driven by two different people ….. that he’s seen walking from my garage to the house …..

And it was so incredibly funny ….

You know how sometimes you can tell …..

He couldn’t figure it out ….

Maybe by now he’s rationalized in his mind that …..

I have a girlfriend who I let borrow my car …… often !!!!

But anyways ….. it made me laugh …..

So current neighborhood tally …..

I think my nice neighbors think I’m a crossdresser,
My neighbors across the street think Joe Hairdy and Amy are married,
My new neighbor next door might be thinking now that putting-out Amy spends the night at Joe Hairdy’s house … a lot,
And my neighbor three houses down just thinks Amy lives here alone …..

Gawd, it could be a real cluster if we ever decided to do a block party here !! LOL

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  1. Two neighbors who I did know in the past moved over the last six months, once that happened, the only ones that remained were my nice neighbors and our houses are positioned such, that it would be way too much effort for me to take steps to avoid them accidentally seeing me …. so I just said WE …. I just am amused by it all at this point …. totally cracks me up ….

  2. the tricky thing,
    you know,
    is remember who has guessed how much;
    and there will be people who you are SURE
    know who don’t…
    i have yet to encounter any immigrant
    who gave me any trouble–
    consistently, they are so glad to be here…
    i may have mentioned before that within three months of my going 24/7 all three of my immediate neighbors had sold and moved…
    oh, i’m sure…

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