100 Things About MWAH

Whatever !! Yeah, I know it’s trite …. I know everyone has done it ….. but I still think it’s pretty cool ….. soooo ….. here’s 100 Things About MWAH:

1. I’m the only person my grandmother shared her recipe with for homemade chicken soup ….. and it’s great !!!

2. She has since passed away, and despite frequent requests, I’ve refused to share the recipe with anyone …. someday …… someplace …… the time will be right ….. and then …… I will pass it along ….. to the chosen one.

3. When alone and by myself, sometimes I think of or remember something so funny, I’ll laugh so hard that I’ll cry. Simply said …. I love to laugh and laugh often !!

4. I am intensely loyal to a select few.

5. I’m red-green-brown colorblind.

6. I always shave my right leg before I shave my left leg. Weird.

7. The first name of the first three women who I ever went out on more than three dates all began with an “L” and ended with an “A”.

8. I find discrete, intimate moments in quasi-public places intensely arousing.

9. I used my Jedi powers to cheat on a 10th grade geometry test. I still feel bad about that. Got an A though.

10. At home …. quite often …… I start my MP3 playlist …. crank up the music really loud ….. sing along ….. and dance all over the house !!

11. In my youth, I was an incredibly skilled baseball player – 2nd base and 1st base. I had a great glove and could catch practically anything, but people said I threw like a girl …. no arm …. strange !! 🙂

12. I was all-conference on my high school debate team !!

13. I didn’t have many dates in high school, surprise, huh?

14. I’m a “glass is practically overflowing” kind of person.

15. I lost my sixth grade spelling bee because I misspelled “decission” …. opps, did it again. 🙂

16. In the second grade I was featured in the local newspaper because I wanted to be an “oceanographer.”

17. I was a certified public accountant (C.P.A.) before I started practicing law.

18. I passed the bar exam on my first try, but it took me three times to pass all of the C.P.A. exam.

19. I saw the original Star Wars movie (Episode IV – A New Hope) over 110 times …. in the theatre !

20. The first time I saw Star Wars was with my dad ….. he didn’t like it.

21. I’d sacrifice my life without hesitation for my closest family and friends.

22. I’ve always had a dog for a pet, never a cat.

23. During my junior year of college, I broke bones in my hand punching a closed bathroom stall door ….. unfortunately I didn’t realize that someone was in the stall at the time and the door was locked. Oh yes, I was drunk.

24. My favorite comic of all time is Calvin and Hobbes, second favorite is The Far Side and current favorite is Venus Envy.

25. Unless it would save the life of a family member or friend, under no circumstances would I ever eat tomato soup.

26. I once had a very pleasant conversation with David Cassidy (aka Keith Partridge) at a Twin Peaks party ….. and though a huge Partridge Family fan, I didn’t realize it was him at the time ….. I think he enjoyed the non-recognition because we talked and mocked other party-goers for a fair amount of time …. I only realized it was him when I went to see why the crowd was around Wolfman Jack … and upon returning found him surrounded by several gorgeous girls …. I asked a server who the guy was and was then told. I’m so clueless at times.

27. I held a television camera for a reporter during a Dan Quayle interview right after he gave his first speech once it was announced he was going to be George Bush’s running mate in 1988 …. ignorning content, it was the worse speech I’ve heard ….. even to this date.

28. I really like hot, spicy food.

29. My favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip.

30. My favorite homemade meal is my mom’s stuffed green peppers.

31. I know absolutely nothing about cars, except how to fill up with gas and I can sorta check the oil.

32. My first computer was a Commodore VIC-20.

33. My favorite book of fiction is Dune, by Frank Herbert. My favorite non-fiction series is the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy “trilogy” by Douglas Adams. What?? No, it’s true …. it’s all true !!! 🙂

34. I hate catsup (or ketchup).

35. I’ve skydived before … it was fun, but now that I’ve checked it off my Life To Do list, I really don’t need to do it again.

36. I expect monogamy in my relationships.

37. For a brief period, I had an overnight radio disc jockey gig. (And once locked myself out of the studio when I went to the restroom …. like I said …. it was a brief period.)

38. I lived in Tennessee from age 4 until 14.

39. When I’m tired, I can fall asleep anywhere.

40. I chewed chewing tobacco and used snuff daily for about 10 years. Yuck !!!!

41. I barely dodged getting arrested once when myself and two carloads of friends decided to use the restroom on I-75 on our way to a Michigan v Ohio State game in Columbus …. and I do mean “on I-75”.

42. I am intensely patriotic and proud to be a citizen of the United States of America.

43. I collect elephants and they always face towards the window.

44. I’ve never been able to figure out if I’m a Spring or a Summer …. though I’m thinking a Summer.

45. My dad took me to see Animal House when it was first released ….. we laughed so hard and had a blast !! Incredibly cool time.

46. I was president of my fraternity pledge class.

47. I was the captain of my safety patrol team in sixth grade …. all work, no perks 🙁 lol

48. I have never smoked a cigarette (though many cigars).

49. I have never consumed any controlled substance, though I think all of my friends have.

50. I actually really like the food at Hooters.

51. I have a fear of water.

52. My best vacation ever was on a cruise ship …. go figure.

53. I would like to do a stand-up comedy act at least once.

54. I love roller coaster rides !!

55. My favorite season is fall.

56. A pre-game tailgate, a college football game on a sunny, crisp fall day, followed by pizza, beer and laughs with friends and then walking after dark, hand-in-hand, snuggling, while finding and trying out new make-out places all the way back to the car is my idea of the perfect date. Oh, and my team has to win too. 🙂

57. I love the smell of freshly cute grass.

58. I rarely eat breakfast.

59. On an average day, I drink 15 cups of coffee, down from 24 five years ago.

60. I have no problem with the Pledge of Allegiance, but can see the argument of how it could be unconstituitional as currently written.

61. The sexiest place I’ve ever made out was on an office building floor that was in the middle of construction ….. it was dimly lit …. we snuck up a stairwell ….. shadows and open area everywhere ….. lots of kissing …… whew ! But hey, when you’re 14 anyplace is sexy !

62. I would love to be a teacher.

63. I enjoy golfing.

64. I am really good at keeping secrets.

65. I know a lot of secrets.

66. I don’t like Pepsi at all. If I can’t have Coke, I’ll just have water. But Dr. Pepper is my favorite. Followed by Orange Crush in a glass bottle.

67. I’m not impressed with a person’s credentials or schools attended. Common sense and life experiences mean much more to me.

68. I don’t have much tolerance for snobs or pretentious behavior and I’m really good at insulting such people in very subtle ways. And usually they are too stupid to realize it until much later.

69. I really like phrasing things such that it can have multiple meanings (I didn’t do it here, so don’t try to figure out if I did. 🙂 But this is a really cool number for me to think about doing it, huh?)

70. At family get togethers ….. when we have drinks ….. there is beer of course …. but we drink our whiskey ….. by the shot ….. some people new or visiting the family find it strange ….. but usually get into it !!

71. I like eating raw, peeled potatoes with lots of pepper all over it.

72. My dad is the smartest person I know.

73. My heritage is 50% Czechoslovakian, 25% French and 25% German. At least my ancestors were smart enough to get the hell outta France and Germany.

74. My paternal grandfather came over to the United States on an ocean liner, with his brother, just the two of them, not speaking any English ….. when he was 10.

75. My favorite Girl Scout cookies are Thin Mints … frozen.

76. I have small hands …. whatever.

77. I’ve only been in love once in my life. 🙁

78. I always have my television on at home ….. from the moment I walk in the door until I leave …. I sleep with the television playing.

79. I usually buy what I’m going to cook for dinner on the way home from work each day. And I really like to cook.

80. I can go days without eating, but when I do eat ….. it’s a lot !!

81. I think hamburgers with fries is a great meal !!

82. Thunderstorms are soooo cool !!

83. It takes a lot to make me angry, but when I do get angry or feel betrayed, I hold grudges and don’t get over things quickly.

84. Ultimately I usually get even …. and I have a lot of patience in waiting for that moment to arrive.

85. I amuse myself by learning a lot of trivial things.

86. I read people.

87. I have quick reflexes and think fast on my feet, but if I have time to make a decision, I’ll take forever and procrastinate.

88. I’m a great girlfriend, but I’m not sure what kind of wife I’ll be …. I like my space and need my private time.

89. I think the only real sports are baseball, basketball, football and hockey. Everything else is just a hobby or activity.

90. I like hearing other people’s opinions, ‘specially if they differ from mine.

91. Hypocrits infuriate me.

92. I’m deceivingly athletic.

93. I get the clothes I’m going to wear the next day ready the night before and get my coffee ready so it automatically is brewed for me when I wake up.

94. I rarely use an alarm clock, my built in clock is much more reliable ….. I usually wake up at 5:00 am.

95. I need about 6 hours of sleep a night, but can go without any, though rarely ever sleep more than 8 hours.

96. I’m a crossover geek, geek by heart and background, but I can speak to the unenlightened.

97. I don’t think Lee Harvey Oswald did it.

98. I believe in alien life.

99. I get scared going in basements and watching spooky movies.

100. I like people.

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  1. Did you see the superbowl commercial, the coke delivery driver showed the world which cola product is better.. hint PEPSI… Hugs Sara 🙂

  2. Hi Chris !! Out of respect for my fraternity brothers, I better refrain from stating on here of what fraternity I’m a brother(?) … some might have a problem finding out they had a transsexual in their midst and I’d hate to have my function somehow being used against fellow charges as a detriment during rush.

    E-mail me privately though and we’ll chat. 🙂

    Though if any of my fraternity brothers that visit here feel like mentioning it, that’s fine … just don’t blame me !!! 🙂

  3. That is so funny Amy, I LOVE Calvin and Hobbes!!
    I’ve often said I would like to be a standup comic!! Afterall, I have the best job in the world to train you for it! And also, Makenna is one of the few people I look up to very much! She has insight, and usually picks the best thing possible to say!!

    Hugs and Kisses,

  4. Amy – Nice list….

    # 4. I’m with you there.
    #21. Same here.
    #31. Too funny LOL – I don’t even know how to do the oil….engine oil light was on in my car for weeks before my brother asked me had I checked the oil level…pathetic.
    #32. Mine was a Commodore 64…it was the dogs bollocks!!!! (Irish vernacular)
    #42. Me too, except from an Irish perspective 🙂
    #57. Look at the lyrics for Don’t Go (Hothouse Flowers)…
    #67. Ain’t that the truth!!!
    #68. Supposition – pretentious snobs are by their very nature – STUPID….
    #89. You need to see Hurling being played….
    #91. Politicians do it for me….ooops….same thing


  5. Oh Gregory, thanks for the sweet post !! Your daughters sound wonder (proper credit going to you of course !! :)) I’d love to be able to meet you and them someday !! I’m sure we’d have lotsa fun and laughs !! Hopefully their Aunt Makenna will get the hint and let me come practice my stand-up routine on the eastern seaboard !! 🙂

    Yeah … your sister is Most Excellent ! Just as she is lucky to have you and your daughters in her life, she’s a positive in anyone’s life she’s in as well !! 🙂 She’s a wonderful, sweet person, except of course when we’re interested in the same guy, then she’s a bitch ! 🙂 … but other than that, as I said, I just hope that by hanging out with her, some of her niceness rubs off on me !! 🙂

  6. OMG Victoria … I’m reading your post, but I’m thinking I wrote it !! It so sounds like something I’d say !! lol 🙂 I too secretly dream of being royalty … though at this point … I don’t consider it a dream anymore, it’s fact, I just have yet to obtain the documentation to prove it …

    I’ve always been inclined to go with the Empress title myself, I think it sounds powerful, yet very graceful and elegant at the same time. I’m glad to hear I’m not the only wise soul who has put some thought into such topics ! 🙂

    By the way, I could certainly live with being a Duchess if there are any single dukes out there reading who are so interested !! 🙂

  7. Amy-
    My father was right, I would like to meet you;but you should know that I can do more Comedy Central routines than my sister. Just thought you should know. Oh,and I have an intense dream of secretly being royalty.(Even minor royaly would be nice, but I prefer Queen or Emperess).

  8. Amy,
    you sound very much like someone my daughter Victoria would very much like to meet. Her first criteria for liking someone is, “can he/she make me laugh? Her second is does he/she LIKE to laugh?

    For that matter, my oldest, Alexandra, might like to meet you too.

    Except for the athletic stuff (sigh) and the geeky stuff (sigh),
    1) Victoria LOVES Animal House and both LOVE comedy in general – (can do entire memorized routines together as a team) and (most especially for both) almost anything Mel Brooks has made.
    2) Both LOVE being girls, (especially Victoria), love having fun (and believe fun=people), enjoy sci-fi (though not nearly as much as their father does),
    3)Love Calvin and Hobbes, the Far Side, and Fox Trot (well, they ARE kids)
    4) love Homeade Chicken Soup
    5) like people in general
    6) “don’t have much tolerance for snobs or pretentious” people or behaviour (VERY much like the mom and dad here), though as kids they are still somewhat in awe of the rich and famous – Pop and entertainment famous, that is (VERY unlike Dad there)
    7) are infuriated by Hypocrits
    8) Love Girl Scout Cookies – thin mints – frozen
    9) expect monagomy
    10) and are both pretty smart.
    11) both love A Knight’s Tale and The Princess Diaries, and can’t WAIT for the Princess Diaries 2
    12) and neither has ever done a controlled or illegal substance.

    Thay are also interested in anyone my most excellent sister Makenna likes and enjoys, and SHE enjoys them back.

    Maybe someday you guys can all meet?


  9. *sigh*
    “that’s my story,
    as you can see;
    i learned my lesson
    and so did she–
    she f***ing hates me…”

    but it’s going to be hard to do
    six minutes about you…

  10. Hey ! Welcome back !! Sounds like the Pow Wow was fun and all !! 🙂

    Sianna …. Stacy ….. Shaft …..
    Stacy ….. Shaft ….. Sianna ….
    Shaft ….. Sianna …. Stacy …..

    Now I know why my fortune said “Beware of the letter S” !! lol 🙂

  11. 38 it was good of you to volunteer that unfortunate fact… the only “F” you’ll get on your birth certificate will be followed quickly by an “O”

    50 not to envy the hooters?

    60 me, too…

    68 🙂

    72, well, yeah, he would be– he has sense enough to cherish a daughter like you, doesn’t he?

    99 is that a both, or an either?
    i mean, if you watch movies in the attic,
    are you still scared?

  12. at the risk of being rude,
    i wanna say “HIT MY BLOG”
    if you haven’t already…
    i’ve developed this habit in the last few weeks;
    it involves writing a six-minute screenplay–
    the latest installment involves Stacy having pizza with someone named “Emily”

  13. 34. Get over it.
    50. Can I get an amen?
    68. Those compliments really weren’t compliments?
    72. Yes.
    73. I though I was going to have to hate you 25% but then I got to 89 and saw hockey and took back the 25% and credited you an additional 25%
    76. Probably what cost you the reach.
    85. Understated. You are the master of totally useless information.
    92. Bring it on.

  14. Wow !! You actually read them all ?? Thanks !!! 🙂 Yeah …. I re-read a few of them myself …. and I’m shaking me head !!

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