Word of the Day
When it popped up on my homeboypage this morning,
As Today’s Word of The Day,
I actually thought it was a late April Fool’s Day joke.
But apparently,
It’s just that …
For all these years,
I’ve been using this word incorrectly.
I didn’t bowl well last night. I think I had a 442 series. Weak. I blame it on two things: One, I broke a fingernail, so that had to throw off some of my Amy-rhythm, and … Two, I had my bra on all tangled up. One of my straps was inside-out … sorta. I…
Oh yeah, Over the weekend, We went out for Chinese Food , (Of course, in China they just call it “food”. Gawd, that joke never gets old !!! ), And check out the message that showed up in one of the fortune cookies !!! My plans for world domination are coming along nicely !!!
To all my family and friends who are moms … HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY !!! To all my family and friends who aren’t moms yet, But are moms-2B or moms in spirit … HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY !!! To My Mom, The best mom in the world !!! HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY !!! The first round of hugs…
Wow. That is why 24 is an absolutely, great show. Though the plot formula is fairly predictable, i.e. CTU being incapable of securing a perimeter or keeping people from getting into their own building, it has one huge unpredictable component … they’ll kill off anyone, including major characters. I defintely didn’t see the end coming for…
Hey all !!! Happy, Happy, Happy Valentine’s Day !!! To all of you that are hitched, spoken for, taken or otherwise have someone special in your life and heart, I hope you have a great and wonderful day of looooooove, And luvin’ !!! Though in between your fits of nookie, Check these out. They are hilarious !!!…
Amy: “Yo dude, I was called “sardonic” today. Do you know what it means?” Shaft: “Uhhh, no.” Amy: “Me neither. Let’s see … it says ‘Scornfully or cynically mocking. See Synonyms at sarcastic.’” Shaft: “Guess that answers the question.”
Hey Sharon … just been busy here. It’s been nuts. I’ll really try to improve. Sorry.
Hey JC !!! Thanks for the request … I’ll pop out my Idol thoughts right now and post them before I head out to bwowling. My 24 review will come out later this week … are you into 24??? Jack kicked butt this week … did you know he can divide by zero ??? 🙂
Oh, Amy … you are baaaaaad! Ah-hem, how have you been using “that” word? PS–You seem kinda quiet lately, is everything ok or just busy? Grins & a hug, Sharon
Hey! How come no TV Write-up?