And Now For Something Completely Different … A Natal Question

You know,

I’ve frequently shared some of the more interesting questions I’ve received as part of my whole transition thing,

But I think this is the first time I’m sharing a strange question,

Asked of me with a bit of regularity,

That is pretty much what I consider a “natal” question.

As it’s a question that is only asked by those …

That don’t know my function.

As far as a little bit of history,

The question has never never been asked the first time a person has met me,

Usually it’s the third or fourth time,

Though I have been asked it the second time on occasion too.

Also, only guys ask me the question.

Women try to obtain somewhat the same information, but do so with considerably more tact … go figure :).


Here’s how it goes …

First they ask:

So, you’re not married, huh?

To which I respond:


Sometimes I add,


But I don’t contribute the information that often.


Then they ask:

Do you have a boyfriend?

To which I try to mix answers in the negative up some by tossing out a …


Popping the “p” sound with a bit of attitude.

Imagine that !! šŸ™‚

At which point,

They asked The Question.

It probably shouldn’t surprise me,

But it does,

I guess because it’s so blunt …

Well why not?

Now the first 1/2 dozen times I was asked the question,

I obviously chuckled to myself,

Thinking …

Boy, if you only knew “why not” !! LOL

But now I”m just more like astonished,

At how often I find myself asked The Question.

For what’s it worth,

I take it as a compliment …

Since they must just find it so hard to believe that someone that is as much fun to be around as me,

Is still walking around with an “Available” sign around her neck.

Stop laughing people !!!!

It’s possible that’s what prompts the question from them !!! šŸ™‚


I’ve given the same answer each and every time,

And about half the time,

Guys seem to accept it as a perfectly good response:

‘Cause when you get to know me, I’m a bitch !” šŸ™‚


I don’t think it’s true,

As I really don’t that I’m a bitch,

But apparently I have the potential considering the ease in many guys’ acceptance of it as the reason for my singleness. šŸ™‚

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  1. I’m starting to think that maybe, just maybe, Amy has developed a life outside of this website….and it’s not just because she never returns my phone calls….

  2. How about this answer to the “Why not?” question: “Because, apparently, I’m not willing to make lower my standards enough to make the necessary compromises.” šŸ™‚

  3. Five years before “Star Wars” was released, use The Force to scry my future, I did.

    It’s a Jedi thing. šŸ™‚

  4. Hi Julia !!! Thanks for posting !!!! I hope you continue !! šŸ™‚

    I know … I’m lucky that Yodette was willing to take me on as her padawan when my original Jedi Maahster went deep stealth !! Otherwise I would have been roaming around as an orphan Jedi Apprentice. Yodette Rocks !! And so do all the other girls and boys that post here !! Their comments are a heckuvalot better than the krap I have to offer !! šŸ™‚ Except for my Bottle Return post, which is great !! (JUST KIDDING !!! Ducking to avoid the onslaught of Coke and Fanta Orange bottles tossed in my directiooooon !! :))

  5. Natal is in common use all over the place, replacing “GG” (“Genetic Girl”) which I suppose sounds a bit flippant.

    Duh, people can’t believe you’re not taken because you’re so awesomely cute and smart and clever and fun and perky! Deal with it šŸ™‚

    My first post here, hopefully not the last… I’ve now read the entire archive cover to cover, please disregard my moronic email a while back if you haven’t done so already… our trajectories have differed but we’ve been through many of the same things. SRS before FFS for me, different priorities and circumstance… I’m sure you’ve many other post-op friends but I’m here if you ever need me.

    And of course, Amy Rocks!!!



    P.S. Yodette’s piece on self-acceptance 12/1/03 is one of the best things I’ve ever read. She rocks, too.

  6. Ummmm … ya know, I have absolutely no deniable plausibility here as it’s perfectly possible that I snarfed the phrase from either of you two, or possibly, both !! It’s not beneath me !! šŸ™‚

  7. For what it’s worth, “natal” has been the preferred term I’ve used for the past eight or nine years.

  8. Regarding the before/after pics question:

    The funny thing is that the two are so different that its very very hard to believe that they are really the same person.

    I sure wouldn’t believe it.

  9. Dammit … did I steal that slang from you ?? I honestly thought that was an Amy-original, ’cause gawd knows, there are very few of such, other than my life itself, everything about me is just bits and pieces of others !! lol šŸ™‚

    Just for the record, though I have acknowledged it frequently before … I’m also not the one to coin the phrase “Function” as reference to one’s transsexualism. That honor goes to Kate. I’m just the one that beats it to death ! šŸ™‚

  10. I don’t know…If some anonymous stranger were to ask me to display my before and after pics, it would be really hard to say no…..

    And Aims, I completetly agree with you on your choice of natal, if for no other reason then that you picked it up from me…..


  11. Amy’s privacy is her call to share or not as she chooses. She doesn’t owe anyone before pictures. I’d never make mine public. She may owe it to friends to not blog them.

  12. Amy,
    I have incountered and answered simalar guestions
    from straight men and women alike but, when questioned about my martal status I usally tell people the truth; I’m divorced. Then;I guess because of my age, I also typiclly get asked if I have any children, to which I’m compelled to answer “Yes, a beautful 21yr. daughter.” Althought that reply also opens a hole other can of worms, because the person I’m talking to then assumes that, I’m her mother and I had a husban etc. I then have to be carful as to how I state things as to not propagate too much of a lie, in reference to my past. I find it very deceiteful but I also don’t want to out myself, at least not at first. So if anyone knows of a good way to avoid this pit-fall pease let me know.

  13. Hey Vickie … good question. šŸ™‚

    It was just slang I came up with in response to the question people used to asked me a lot about “who” I was hanging out with … you know the question, “Is she a ‘girl’ girl?” or Is she a ‘girl’ like you? The question was never asked of me with mean spirited intent, as people just wanted to know in an informative way, heck I’d have asked the same.

    But I really didn’t like responding, “No, she’s a ‘normal’ girl“, because I’m a helluva lot more ‘normal’, whatever that means, than many girls I know who are not transsexual. And I didn’t constantly like answering “No, she’s/he’s not a transsexual” because it felt like it was just me being labeled then. So I just came up with “natal” as describing those who were born with the genetalia they currently have. At least as far as I know. šŸ™‚

    Linguistically it probably doesn’t pass muster, but I let myself slide with it because I call it Amy-slang !! šŸ™‚ And I actually did check out definitions before I started tossing it out as it seemed there’s actually a legitimate definition that sorta works … “of, relating to, or accompanying birth“. But I might be reaching there !! lol šŸ™‚

  14. I think guys are shocked to find an attractive woman without a boyfriend, all the “lucky bastards” supposedly snatched them up years ago.

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