Super Wednesday …
Two weeks ago Sister wasn’t able to make it to bowling.
And coincidentally, that was the same week they solicitated nominations for Bowling League Officers for next year …
Yes, really … there’s a Bowling League President, Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer.
And despite the fact that we weren’t planning on being in that particular league there next year …
We did want we normally do,
Each of us used our ballot to vote for the one of us that wasn’t there …
It’s the risk one takes for not showing up. 🙂
So yes, Sister received 5 nominations to be League President (ahhhh, I used to her ballot to vote for her, that’s how we got to five.)
Anyways … last week … when the run-off ballot came out for us to vote for next year’s officers …
Much to our amusement … Sister had indeed made the cut !!! LOL
She was one of the two nominees for President !! Wooo hoooo !!! 🙂
But then we looked at who she was running against …
And imagine our surprise when it turned out to be …
(Don’t you just hate it when newspapers do that ?) 🙂
Singer !!!!
Yes … it’s a Singer and Sister match-up !!
Guaranteeing that next year’s league president will be from our team.
Which is totally astonishing because for the most part … we scare several of the other teams there as we laugh really loud; you never know what we’ll say and we’ll say anything; we have somewhat mocking nicknames for virtually everyone there (the only ones that are spared is the team of women that actually like us there – they are our equivalent from their generation); we stick up for one another somewhat aggressively at times (not physically, but seriously, as far as having quick wits and smart retorts go … I’m the slow one on the team, the others are masters, even though I’m no slouch myself); we scare people when we start doing shots … and more shots; we take over the karaokee in the bar; did I mention we laugh really loud?; Miss Daisy does the tea-bag dance whenever he gets three strikes in a row, we’ve already been drinking before we even arrive; we don’t take the bowling seriously in the least, but we oftentimes beat teams we shouldn’t; we always arrive late; and, we’re the slowest bowling team there.
Disregarding the issue that now we need to revisit the issue of bowling at the same place next year (something I’m not nearly as bothered by as I was a few months ago) …
We had to vote for either Singer or Sister.
With a beer in their hand, we made each give a speech for why we should vote for them …
Singer mentioned her past experience as being league president (2 years in a row, followed by Hottie’s 2 terms as president); her commitment to having music played while the bowling is going on (a very important issue amongst us); and, her nearly perfect attendance (she rarely ever misses – that’s dedication).
Sister mentioned that with her 86 pin bowling average, she represents the non-serious bowlers in the league (very true, and speaking to a group of non-serious bowlers, a very good point); as she has never been bowling league president before, she’s not a bowling league insider like her opponent; and, she’s always on time for when the bowling starts, she’s never the one holding up the league.
Wow … we’ve got two good choices !!
But it didn’t matter what they said really, the team votes were already decided. At least that’s what my exit poll suggests.
I voted for Singer, despite the harsh memories I had of my loss in Bowling Survivor !!
FLASHBACK … October 2002. It came down to Shaft and Me in the finals … Singer, Sister and Hottie had already been kicked off the alley, but they were the jury. And in one of the most traumatic defeats I have ever had to endure … Singer AND Hottie both voted for Shaft to win, even though he was the one that voted them off the alley in the first place. Devastating to me … the only vote I carried was Sister’s and she was so drunk at the time, her response was “who did I vote for?” Unfortunately, the old adage that every vote is important holds true, because to this day that damn defeat gets rubbed in my face from time to time, at least once every six months … it’s almost like a hockey story to Shaft … gloating, lots of gloating, and he has the right to do just that … while all I can do is accept the Loser label stamped on my forehead … knowing I didn’t even carry my home state. Singer, Hottie … for the love of gawd, what were you thinking !!! 🙂
BACK TO PRESENT TIME So one would think that I would have voted for Sister … seeing as she was the only one that voted for me before, but … it’s one of my philosophies in life that every person needs to know that they can always count on at least one other person’s vote in any situation. I’m Singer’s other vote, but that doesn’t mean I’m over the Bowling Survivor fiasco Singer and Hottie ! 😛 Singer 1, Sister 0.
Now in almost all instances, Hottie is also Singer’s other vote. I can’t remember who he said he voted for, and I didn’t look at his ballot, but if I had to guess, I’d say it was Singer. You see … there’s a bit of a voting hierarchy that I think tends to be followed here, at least by me … it sort of goes by seniority … how long you’ve known a person … that being the case, you’d expect that my votes would be cast in the following order: Singer, Hottie, Sister, Miss Daisy. Sister’s would be Miss Daisy, Singer, Hottie, Me. Hottie’s would be: Singer, Me, Sister, Miss Daisy; and Singer’s would be: Sister, Hottie, Me, Miss Daisy. Now we all know that there are exceptions to that rule … Bowling Survivor for example, because as you can see, Shaft’s name is NO WHERE on that list, but I digress …
Generally those rules hold true. Now Hottie does have a bit of feist in him, so he does bring a variable to the table on the vote … but after all is said and done, in this case, I’d say he voted for Singer. Singer 2, Sister 0.
Miss Daisy and Singer have this unique relationship … they’ll dork with one another just to get a reaction … or just because they can. It’s hilarious. So despite the fact that Miss Daisy would vote for Sister anyways following the voting hierachy rule, he’d also vote against Singer just so he could say to her … “I didn’t vote for you.” Singer 2, Sister 1.
Just like most of us would, Singer definitely voted for herself. Singer 3, Sister 1.
But Sister voted for Singer. Why? Well, in some ways I really don’t think Sister would want the gig. But mainly, Sister is simply nice, she’s the type of person who would vote for the other person instead of herself to be nice to the other person. Singer 4, Sister 1.
Now, there’s no question in my mind that the exit polls are correct … Singer carried our bowling team 4 votes to 1 vote.
However …. it’s not over.
If history shows anything … then the last time there were two UnUsual Suspects running against one another for the presidency, which happened three years ago in a Singer v Hottie face off … the person who carried our team (Singer) lost the election.
You just never know how it’ll turn out.
We’ll find out tonight.
Good luck to both candidates !!! 🙂
And remember … the winner buys us a round of drinks.
And remember … the loser buys us a round of drinks.
I did try to call Singer when she was on her way to the alley from the tailgate to tell her that Sister won. She stepped out of my world last night and didn’t answer.
That would have been great to catch her while she was on her way, so she could sulk on a defeat for a few… ;O)
I’ve got your back, Singer. “Holding a grudge” is a bad description. Everybody knows that you never hold a grudge. You grip that grudge like Sammy Sosa with a corked bat…….. Oh no, did I say that out loud? Damn!
ROFLMAO I so knew you were going to pay for that one Hottie !!!
I’m just glad that someone is sober enough to remember all the happenings of the evenings past.
P.S. What do you mean I hold Grudges???? That’s Bullshit!!
Seriously hilarious stuff. It’s not about the bowling. It’s about the overanalyzation of the events that surround it!!!
1) Thanks for recounting my victory over Singer 3 years ago…and yes, without carrying my home precinct. One of my proudest moments to date!!!
2) To confirm my vote…yes, it went to Singer…for the following reasons: (a) Singer holds a grudge WAY longer than Sister, and (b)Both candidates used public speaking abilities as major platform issues…but past history showed me that Singer actually turns her microphone on!!!
Isn’t it ironic, that in the 6(next year being 7) years we’ve been in the league, our team…the team who cares about bowling the least…will have the league’s president on its squad 5 times (and year #1 really doesn’t count). So…5 for 6!! Pretty damn impressive!! Then again…maybe I should say…Pretty damn depressing…cuz remember, we are talking about bowling! Good luck to both our hometeam beauties!!