Midnight Run

Actually …. more like a 3:45 AM Run ….

The world is so amazing to me sometimes …. the things that technology can do …. and the conveniences of one’s life …..

I woke at 2:30 AM …. on my own … which is when I set my internal clock …. ahhh …. I don’t need to get up that early …..

So I went back to sleep …. woke up at about 2:55 AM …. surfed the web a bit …. brushed my teeth, replaced my sleeping duds (sorry boys, nothing sassy sleepwear-wise …. just an oversized T and sloppy boxers) ….. put on a pair of pants and a boob suppressing T and a golf shirt …. brushed out my hair and pulled it back in a ponytail …. brushed my teeth …. grabbed my driver’s license and Blue Cross Card …. my PMS and Chocolate CD ….. bottle of Ice Mountain water …. and drove to the hospital ….. took me all of what ?? 10 minutes to get there ?? lol …. went and checked in ….. tweaked the disclosure and consent forms so I can sue them if they screwed anything up ….. gave Tim, the MRI dude my cd to play ….. slid into the machine … listened to Better Off Dead/E.G. Dailey, Torn/Natalie Imbruglia, Cruel to Be Kind/Letters to Cleo, and a bit of Complicated/Avril Lavigne …. got out of the machine ….. left the hospital …. drove home …. ran a blinking red light (I thought it was blinking yellow, color-blind issue …. happens, I realized it a bit late, but no harm resulted) …. got home, wrote this …. going back to bed …. all in less than 90 minutes …. kewl.

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  1. quite by conicidence,
    i’m listening to BNL/maroon…
    and i can’t resist quoting…
    “…most of it’s over before i awake
    from the ceiling my coffee cup drips
    while out my window the horizon does flips.
    The worst part was hitting the ground–
    not the feeling so much as the sound–
    can’t help but wondering if all this is real…”

  2. meanwhile,
    colour-blindness is another of those
    zillion things that intrigue me…

    when i try to explain TS
    i like to say,
    “Suppose everyone else in the world
    was red-green colour-blind.
    Suppose you were the only person in town
    who knew that grass and blood
    are different colours.
    Imagine the hours you’d spend with a shrink,
    who would struggle to understand
    what makes you think this way.
    What childhood trauma causes this delusion?”
    Most people i’ve mentioned this to
    think it’s just more of my nonsense…

  3. ya know,
    i quit driving on the freeway
    when i noticed that i wasn’t the only lunatic
    on the freeway…
    everybody drives like i do,
    and it’s scary…

    wouldn’t it be lawyer-lawyer?
    and does this mean you’re going to tell everybody
    how old i really am?
    oh, um *blink* i’m, uh…
    yeah, that’s right…
    thirty three…
    (Chendra told me)

  4. I don’t think so !! I rarely ever use my horn, only for warning purposes, and I don’t think I have ever flipped anyone off while driving. I’m mindlessly content to be driving in total Ms. Magoo fashion. Though if we’re talking horn honking, finger flippin’ behavior, Shaft is Mr. Road Rage himself …. and has been in more than one …. getting out of the car and in someone’s face situatiooooon !! It’s really pretty kute when Phat Albert gets all testosteronie !!

  5. Color-blindness is only part of the reason, Stacy. Let’s just say that Amy’s approach is that she pays taxes for both sides of the road and uses both sides liberally, regardless of direction. Also, she only pulls out into the street after waiting for another car to be in horn sounding, middle finger waiving, range. Amy is the poster child for public transportation. I, however, anticipate that the state troopers will ask me to teach a class in vehicle control.

  6. Thanks for commenting and sparing this post from a lonely exile !! lol

    I’m red-green-brown color-blind. But for some reason, yellow and red traffic lights cause me serious problems. In most situations I have the light positions memorized (except in OH where they are sometimes sideways) …. and most permanent blinking lights have Stop signs for the side that has to stop, but this was a normal light (go/caution/stop) that was just temporarily blinking and I was half asleep.

    If you ask anyone in the firm except Shaft, they’ll all tell you Shaft is by far the worst driver (more tickets, most recent tickets, most points accumulated, most accidents), but he likes to pretend he’s a NASCAR driver and that he’s in “total control”. I did get hit by a car about 6 months ago …. though avoided any non-buffing out damage with some quick reflexes. People consider me a bad driver because I use The Force when I drive while doing some serious multitasking. If you were unfortunate enough to see Attack of the Clones opening scene when Anakin was driving with Obi-Wan, weaving in and out with totally unexpected lane and speed changes …. I do the same. Shaft often gets car sick riding with me. (And just to make things interesting, I child-protect lock the windows and doors so he can’t get any fresh air.)

  7. i always feel so sad
    for these posts that draw no comments…
    they stand here,
    all alone in the world,
    “Am I not as interesting as the others?
    Look at this; not even Stacy can think of a thing
    to say about me. Why was i ever conceived?”

    hey, is the colour-blind issue
    the reason shaft doesn’t let you drive?
    and, can you distinguish red from green?

    and look how happy this post is, now…

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