Hello Viewers !!!! :) [Gawd,

Hello Viewers !!!! 🙂 [Gawd, isn’t it pathetic just how everything in my life eventually comes back to television ??]

Wow … yep …. uh huh …. I survived the week …. did it in sparkling fashion too I might add !! ….. Successfully preserved and executed the constitutional rights of an individual accused of a heinous crime …. such that he is now out on the streets once again …. and …. I brought to termination a 15 year marriage while crafting a favorable property settlement for my client …. ahhhhhh ……. all in a week’s work !! Seriously, I do like my job, though as with any job, sometimes I completely hate the project/client/task I’m working on at the time …. now today …. with the resolution of those cases ….. another two big items on my to-do list prior to transitioning have been knocked off !! So kewl !! 🙂

Now …. where do I start? …. There’s so much to bring you up to speed about ….. and I’ve got so many sarcastic, but terribly witty, barbs bottled up inside !! So …. let’s go ….


Get this …. Shaft says I’m a homophobe ….. he bases this accusation entirely on the fact that it frustrates me when people think I’m gay ….

He’ll readily admit …. I have gay friends, lesbian friends, straight friends and probably bi friends for all I know ….. he’ll also admit that I don’t pick or chose my friends based on whether they are straight, gay, lesbian, or bi …. he’ll also readily concede that I don’t use derogatory slang about any straight, gay, lesbian or bi person …… and equally important, he’ll attest that my sarcasm and scathing wit is directed primarily at hypocrites, not people because of their sexual orientation ….. I don’t care what your opinion is, everyone is entitled to one, and I love growing intellectually by having conversations/discussions/arguments with others that have different opinions ….. but for gawd’s sake ….. be consistent in the application of your principles !! ….. if you’re not ….. I don’t care if you’re straight, gay, lesbian, bi, transsexual, Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, intellectual, redneck, Wookie or whatever …..if you’re a hypcocrite and challenge me on something or state an opinion …. I’ll engage and no holds barred …. what I look for in people is their heart …. do they have a good heart or a mean heart …. pretty simplistic, I know …. but amazingly, a lot of times it’s that simple ….. so yes, I have friends from all spectrums and there are people who I think are complete assholes that come from all spectrums ….. what a person does in their bedroom is of absolutely no interest to me (well, unless I’m involved or Hottie is in there) ….. in fact, let’s be real here …… the thought of Shaft …. a short, 1/8 ton, outta shape, white guy which a gawdawful haircut having sex with anyone bothers me more that any vision of consensual sex between adults otherwise ……. I don’t consider myself a homophobe ….. but then why dear newsGal do you get frustrated when people think you’re gay ??? ….. Because I’m a transsexual !! I’m not gay !! I’m a girl !! …… I know, I know …. for practically the entire world, it’s hard to even imagine a distinction between being gay and being transsexual …. hey, so he’s a transsexual, just means he’s gay AND wears women’s clothes ….. and that’s why ….. during conversations with everyone that I have told about my transsexualism …. when at some point I’ve had to answer the question about whether I was gay ….. I’ve done it politely, courteously and with patience …… as if I’ve never been asked the question before (though just have the ability to answer it really well 🙂 ) ….. and why when someone tells me that so and so wanted to know if I was gay or not …. that I good naturedly shrug it off with the Seinfeld quote of …. “I understand, I am slim, in my thirties and single, but no I’m not ….. thanks for asking though” 🙂 …. but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t frustrate me that instead of seeing me as a girl, people see me as gay …. again …. I know that’s because I’m not letting them even see me as a girl yet, so gay is a natural conclusion ….. and that’s why I keep the frustration internal or simply mention it in passing to Shaft ….. but I don’t think there’s anything homophobe, racist, chauvanist or whatever -ist about me …… well, okay …. let’s be brutally honest here …. maybe I am a bit of a “shortfatbestguyfriendwhowilldietooyoungbecauseofhishealthneedstodiet”-ist.


So ….. I think this was on Tuesday ….. I’m wearing one of my suits acquired about 4 months ago (in theory, absent unexpected events such as ripping the pants on a doorknob or something, I think I have purchased my last male suit !! wooo hoooo !!) ….. anyways …. OBP makes the comment to me …. “Dude, your pants are looking pretty tight” ….. I responded in the typical “what are you doing checking out my ass …… again” fashion ….. but I had noticed the same thing ….. now when I purchased it ….. I had it tailored to the correct size and it fit well …… I haven’t gained weight …… and ….. it still fits at the waist ……. Yes Virginia, Hormones Do Work !!

• Have you noticed that we say “Dude” way too often at the firm ??

Lost Visitors of the Week

I’m such a dweeb …. honest to gawd …. sometimes I deliberately use words just for the pure amusement that some poor soul doing a google will innocently stumble upon my site ….. [ahhhhh ….. yes ….. maybe I do crave attention !!!! :P]

This week’s Lost Visitors include those doing a google search for:
arby roast beef powder (I made the first page !!)
before and after pictures of fake bake (I’m really not sure where I end up on that search)
diary “new glasses” january 2003 (First page again !!)

BBL …. I’m far from done …

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