Back ….. sorry about that

Back ….. sorry about that …. I’m such a good ex ….. I left work about 4:00 pm on Friday and went to my parents to borrow their rug shampoo-er machine thing to take to my ex’s place so I could try to get a spot out of the carpet before a party she is having this weekend ….. took some work (seriously …. I shouldn’t operate heavy machinery ….. I did have a sitcom moment when I forgot I was holding down the discharge soap button and suds were all over the place …. pouring out ……. several steps were completely soaked !!!!!)…. but I got it done and a few other chores for her !! 🙂 Then I had to return one of the Christmas presents I got for Singer because it was for the wrong model phone …. Friday was the last day that I could return it to Best Buy under their holiday policy and she only got it back to me on Wednesday …. cool part though ….I just switched it with the exact same brand, just different model, price was the same – but when I took it to the counter for exchange and they scanned it …. the new one was on sale !! I got a $26.50 refund and walked out with the correct model too !!! Now I have to figure out what else to get her with the refund money.

Television was very weak last night ….. I really couldn’t find anything I liked at all ….. did some serious surfing while scarfing down a gyro plate I got as take-out from a local restaurant (mmmmm, so good !!) …… anyways, I found myself watching Bill O’Reilly on Fox News, because I wanted to find out more on the Laci Peterson developments ….. when ….. lo and behold in the final quarter hour of the show ….. there’s Gwendolyn Ann Smith, a transgender activist I recognized talking with Bill and some other person, I think it was the mom who had the issue about something ….. apparently it was concerning a previous development in St. Louis where a “crossdresser” arrived dressed to chaperone a school field trip ……. thoughts going through my mind:

Hey ….. that’s Gwen !!! I recognize her !! ….

Hmmmm, I wonder why she’s on, I thought this was about a crossdresser …… (yeah, I know)

Wow, I wonder what my mom and dad are saying right now, I know they are watching, they watch this show nightly !! ……

Ya know, I’m not really sure that a weekend crossdresser should show up for a field trip dressed, that could be confusing to children …..

I wonder how old the children were?

What the F$@#$!@# ? They’ve been referring to this person as a crossdresser, but did Gwen just say they have been living fulltime in the female role for 6 years !!??!!

At this point ….. I confess ….. I uttered a few more very unladylike phrases …. out loud …. shook my head in confusion …. knocked over my remote which fell to the floor and turned off my television …. once I recovered, the segment was over ….. so anyways …. I’m trying to find out exactly what the scoop is there ….. Was this a weekend or fulltime crossdresser? …… How does the individual refer to themselves? …… Just “what” did the individual wear (because if we’re going to follow my anti-hypocrisy – I would hope all the moms there were in dresses and heels) ….. anywhose …… I really have pretty strong google skills, but I couldn’t find anything about this in my first attempt, I’ll look some more.


Singer’s father-in-law commited suicide Thursday morning. He had recently retired, earlier than he had wanted to, but his company had offered an early retirement incentive to reduce employees because of the terrible economy in his industry. He was a work-aholic, work was his life, apparently he had been concerned lately about his finances, but from all reports, that was depression talking. His retirement party was last Thursday. I don’t get it …. I just don’t. It’s so selfish. Singer was devastated, I felt so bad for her. I felt bad for her husband, I felt bad for his 3 brothers and sister. The man had an extremely comfortable life; a huge, loving family ….. I don’t get it. Shaft thinks that he must have been suffering from depression and kept it well hidden. Maybe so. But still ….. it’s such a terrible loss. Please …. if you ever have such thoughts …… seek help !! Though I can completely understand thoughts of suicide …. I’ve had them too …. I’ve NEVER consider it an option, it’s not !!

Episode II

So I’m watching some interview (seriously people, I really do watch this much television !!!! Help me … please !!!) …. and there is some guy who is the father of Tracey Pollen (married to Micheal J. Fox) who I think wrote a book called Second Act and it’s all about people who have sort of done a lot in life, but then change directions completely and do a great deal more ….. believe it or not, I think he cited Colonel Sanders as an example ….. anyways ….. I’ve decided that my life is going to be a Trilogy !! Only fitting, don’t ‘cha think? Episode I is finished …… Episode II is coming up …. but get this …… in the meantime …. until Episode II begins …. you get to hear and see all about that stuff that never makes the big screen that happens between the first and second movies of a trilogy !! So wicked, wild cool. It’s gonna be good !!!

Super Bowl

I really don’t care …… not because I “don’t care”, but because I like both teams ! I like their personalities, I like their spunk, I like the road they’ve taken to get to the championship game …. though ….. I am well aware I have to pick a team …… sooooooo …. crap ….. I don’t know …… I’m going to say … Oakland. But what I’m really anxious for are the commercials !!!

• I’m reading my post (yeppers, I actually do that sometimes) and am LMAO !! I can’t wait to see how many Lost Visitors I get this week googled here when they were looking for information on Bill O’Rielly !! LOL (Oh, yes ….. that is an intentional misspelling of Mr. O’Reilly’s last name …. see …. I sorta figure more than a few people will misspell it when googling and POOF ….. my page will pop up !!! Really ….. I’m not devious !!) 🙂

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