• I’m really encouraged by

• I’m really encouraged by this new season of Survivor …… it’s pretty entertaining ….. though seems to highlight the worst of each of my gender roles !! The guy tribe is nothing but a bunch of egotistical, testosterone filled dolts …. could they BE more stupid? (Said with appropriate Chandler Bing indignation.) The gal…

• I’m really encouraged by

• I’m really encouraged by this new season of Survivor …… it’s pretty entertaining ….. though seems to highlight the worst of each of my gender roles !! The guy tribe is nothing but a bunch of egotistical, testosterone filled dolts …. could they BE more stupid? (Said with appropriate Chandler Bing indignation.) The gal…

Level 1 to do

Level 1 to do list 1. Extensive conversation with my Dad 2. Wrap up personal finances 3. Talk with Ex 4. Close or reassign open case load 5. Arrange temporary post-ffs employment 6. Talk with Singer 7. Talk with anyone else I decide to at that point 8. Leave

• I’m noticing an interesting

• I’m noticing an interesting trend …… I’m finding myself incredibly cranky on Mondays lately ….. now granted, my Mondays generally bite because clients either get in trouble or arrested over the weekend and I’ve got the phone-a-ringin’ or they are just doing way too much thinking over the weekend and have me on their…

• I’m noticing an interesting

• I’m noticing an interesting trend …… I’m finding myself incredibly cranky on Mondays lately ….. now granted, my Mondays generally bite because clients either get in trouble or arrested over the weekend and I’ve got the phone-a-ringin’ or they are just doing way too much thinking over the weekend and have me on their…