• Yo !!!! Okay ……

• Yo !!!! Okay …… I mock the fact that I bowl ……. but talk to me people …… I rolled a 200 last night !!!!! 🙂 I smile for such simple accomplishments !! • “I don’t know what the laws are like down in Florida, but here …. cousin lovin’ is frowned upon” ……….

From a Marine in Bosnia.

From a Marine in Bosnia. Note the signature, but read it last. A funny thing happened to me yesterday at Camp Bondsteel (Bosnia): A French army officer walked up to me in the PX, and told me he thought we (Americans) were a bunch of cowboys and were going to provoke a war. He said…

What’s it like and do

What’s it like and do you really have to do it? Those of us suffering from transsexualism are often asked ….. “What’s it feel like? You know, to be a transsexual? To feel like you’re really a girl (or boy)?” When asked …… and when we try to answer, at first, we usually stumble over…

What’s it like and do

What’s it like and do you really have to do it? Those of us suffering from transsexualism are often asked ….. “What’s it feel like? You know, to be a transsexual? To feel like you’re really a girl (or boy)?” When asked …… and when we try to answer, at first, we usually stumble over…