The Amy Diet

So this past week …. I’ve been in total binge mode ….. food binging that is ….. yep, we all know why I’m in binge mode ….. if not ….. just keep reading my entries for the past week 😛 ….. ‘ways …..Shaft has observed a couple of my binges …. and they aren’t pretty …. doubles from Wendy’s, spicey chicken sandwich, large fries, salad ….. tubs of Butter Pecan ice cream ….. a couple of scoops of cookie dough with chocolate chip ice cream ….. I think I consumed 4 Big Macs on Wednesday alone ….. and it makes him nervous ….. ’cause he is on high alert for the possibility that in addition to binging ….. I’m purging ….. since I don’t seem to gain weight …. and continue to lose ….. so I’m just saying here ….. I’m not purging ….. I suppose you could say I fast, which is just as dysfunctional as purging ….. ’cause we all know ….. I certainly don’t do the strenuous exercise option :)….. but really, I think it’s just a fast metabolism and stress. Zoinks.

Anyways …. the reason I mention this is because …. Friday night ….. for dinner …. I polished off, all by myself *beaming with pride*, a large Pizza Hut Super Supreme thin and crispy pizza and 10 cinnamon sticks (whatever, I had a coupon :)) ….. and then on Saturday ….. in Stacy’s latest 6 Minute Screenplay ….. I disappeared by jumping through a pizza box …. isn’t that a weird coincidence ?!?! Seriously, I rarely order pizzas anymore ….. the timing just so made me laugh !! (Just for the record, I got more of this latest screenplay than I normally do, but it’s obvious I am still paying the price for relying on Cliff Notes and purchased tutorally-assisted term papers for my literature classes.)

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  1. forget for a moment my previous comment–
    in as much as curiosity has been expressed,
    here’s a “stacy’s comments page” update
    (with apologies to any non-fictional characters)
    my son is home with me again;
    whatever tension exists between his sexuality
    and my gender
    will have to be resolved while he resides HERE;
    i’m concerned that my ex and my own mother
    will get some fudamentalist legal team
    involved, but i’m hoping not…

  2. A–
    thank you…
    i did talk with my therapist this morning,
    and she reminded me that all other factors notwithstanding, i am the parent and this is his home, and he’s gotta stay here until he is old enough to move out–
    my mother (what a shocker!) has already researched this matter– in nebraska, a fourteen-year-old can, basically, request asylum…
    my son is 13&1/2…
    anyway, he’s at school right now;
    i called the school counselor person
    –got his voice mail–
    and said that, unless the school instructs otherwise, i will be there this afternoon to pick my son up and bring him home…

  3. Gawd Stacy …. there is certainly no need to apologize for using the comment section here to voice concerns, frustrations or anxieties …. mi casa es su casa 🙂 And seriously, I’m pretty boring …. you kids are the only things interesting here !

    I don’t know Nebraska law, or custody law for that matter, but in most states, if I recall, the child’s preference is a factor in determining custody issues, but it’s not solely determinative. Likewise, if he has lived with you already, there may be some “established custodial environment” factors that would make removing custody from you more burdensome for the other side. Nonetheless, any custody contest involving a TS is going to be difficult for the T, so that’s a factor to consider also. I think you should check with some local counsel to see what your rights are and the applicable law. If $$ are an issue, there should be a Legal Aid resource someplace there. (Gawd, do I sound like an attorney or what ?? …. “solely determinative” ?? ….. ugh !!! lol)

  4. I am a pizza
    With extra cheese.
    From tomatoes,
    Sauce is squeezed.
    Garlic and mushrooms,
    I am a pizza,
    Ready to go!

    I am a pizza–
    No anchovies
    Or phony baloney;
    Onions and sausage,
    Order by phone.
    I am a pizza,
    Take me home!

    I am a pizza,
    Fresh baked crust.
    I am a pizza,
    Ready to bust.

    I am a pizza,
    Peppers on top,
    Out of the oven,
    Into the box,
    Into the car and
    Upside down…
    I am a pizza
    dropped on the ground…

    I was a pizza…
    I was the best…
    I was a pizza…
    Now I’m a mess…

    btw, A,
    i can hardly begin to thank you
    for your patient understanding…

  5. to recap:
    the state of nebraska’s first mtf ts custodial parent won’t be any longer–
    okay, my son could change his mind,
    but even if…
    his bio mother and/or my own mother might get some fundamentalist legal team involved…
    i could become famous as a precedent;
    i could be known as the AK-47 of ts custody cases

    maybe i worry too much?
    maybe i’m sooooo rude,
    talking about this on someone else’s blog…

  6. failure was not an option;
    it was an inevitability…

    my son has decided that he no longer wishes to live with me,
    and the world has become
    a pinch of belly-button fuzz

    best wishes and warmest regards…

  7. AMYway,
    as i like to say,
    as long as you enjoyed it,
    it wasn’t a total loss…

    i tried doing the lipstick trick for a friend
    and screwed it up completely…
    i should practice that one more often…

  8. those ARE fictional characters–
    and any similarity to real people
    is, umm,
    purely coincidental…

    and i guess i’m talked about
    all over the world…


  9. Hi Si !! *hugs* 🙂

    I’ll tell Shaft ‘hi’ …. I’m serious, I think he visits your site more than mine !! Oh well …. I can spot talent !! 🙂

    You’ve been in other stories of hers too, Sianna. Hey …. May 15 ….. my most anticipated date since May 19, 1999 …. I don’t plan on being disappointed this time !!

  10. ummm

    whats bridge, how do you play it, and since I don’t blog, how can I say I liked being in that story?

    (I journal, thank you.)

    And uh, since when did I get co opted as a semi fictional character?

    Oh HI AMY, I thought this was the blog comments section of STACY’S Site!

    HOW RUDE of ME
    you rock, even though you have fans of your own now. Or maybe because of. Since I’m so “me” focused, its hard to tell. Tell “Shaft” I said hi, and that every time I say the name shaft, the TV themesong gets stuck in my head, but sounds like a cheezy porno remake.

  11. you know,
    i did say that a real gypsy
    doesn’t need the cards–
    i had been thinking about that screenplay
    the whole time i was reading Moby Dick;
    Stacy was going to tell the joke
    –“There’s a Michigan Grad at your door.
    How do you make her go away?
    …pay her for the pizza!”
    but i decided Emily should have more than a cameo;
    then i thought she could exit with the speech
    “as you from crimes would pardoned be,
    let my law firm set you free!”
    but as i was writing,
    the pizza box idea just came to me
    of its own volition…

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