Peace In Hey there !!

Peace In

Hey there !! Today’s topic …… Shaft !! Okay, first of all, why did I give my business partner the nickname Shaft? Well, it’s not because he’s ever shafted me !! He has another nickname that I’ve called him for years and many people now only know him by these days, but in an attempt to protect his anomynity, I’m not referring to him by that in my Blogs. Instead, I’m calling him, Shaft, which is a nickname he tried to give himself !! Yep, you got it, he’s a medium height, overweight, white guy who wants to suggest he has a large, black man unit !! Shaft is 100% guy. He’ll belch in front of you; he’ll pass gas ….. loudly ….. in front of you and then laugh hysterically; he’ll rattle off a few good choice swear words; he can identify a car by make, model and year from miles away, just by sound; he can build anything, it really is amazing; he has every tool ever invented; he probably has a few car motors laying around his garage; AND, he’s got a heart of gold !! Shaft and I have been friends for over a decade now. We met in our first term, first year of law school and have been great friends ever since. We commuted to law school for three years (60+ mile drive each way, two, three and more nights a week, year round), spent most holidays in those years cramming for exams when family was having holiday meals while we ate at Taco Bell and Subway, golfed together, hung out together, built houses in the same subdivision, talked daily and decided to go into business together over three years ago. Scary proposition because I didn’t want business to ruin a great friendship, but as I fully expected, we’ve become even better friends as we struggled to build our own firm. We completely trust one another. So you can imagine I was freaking when I knew I had to tell him, in detail, my problem. And you know what …… after telling him, I had one regret …… I wish I had told him so many years earlier. He should be a therapist, he’s so damn smart about what is happening, what one is dealing with and ways to address it. It’s been so helpful for me to have him know and to have someone to talk to about it. To joke about it at times, I like to laugh, even at myself, and heck, I’ve had to keep this all bottled up for so long. We’ve always been able to tease each other, and honestly, it makes me feel so good that that hasn’t changed ….. he teases me in the exact same way I’d expect him too, talking trash like we always have and tossing in an appropriate chauvanistic comment when necessary ….. case in point ….. I was physically sore from doing yard work the previous day and he knows how much I’ve really noticed the “mones” have reduced my upper body strength. I was mentioning it one day just shooting the breeze in his office when, without missing a beat and completely out of the blue …. I get hit with the “Well, you’re going to have to learn to put out so you can get some guy to do that shit for you”……. what an excellent line with great timing !! I’m still laughing !!! Jerk !!! lol ……. Our latest discussion ……. Are my “girl” rights to whining retroactive? (Hey, sure, maybe it’s an insult to be told I’m whining, but …. if I have the right now …. I’m going to use it !! lol) The reason it is now a question is that last year I got a couple of tickets to the football game between my alma mater and his favorite college team and we were able to go. The game was played at his college’s stadium. Both teams have national powerhouse histories, of course, my alma mater is a much more respected and regarded program, having won a national championship in the past 5 years AND actually having students intelligent enough to understand the concept of ON and OFF when trying to operate a game clock. Anyways, my team lost the game last year because his team received extra time at the end of the game when the school had a student cheating in the operation of the game clock. It’s unfortunate, but his school is known for cheating in this manner and you just to expect that type of behavior from theml. Well, Shaft thinks that I don’t have the right to whine about their cheating last year because he didn’t know about my problem then and I hadn’t started my transition. I say that my rights are retroactive and I CAN now whine about their past (and continuing) cheating. I figure this discussion with keep us occupied for 20-30 years. (We have been arguing the same time travel theories with appropriate Star Trek references for 10+ years now). Anyways, don’t know if you’ll ever read this dude, but if you do ….. thanks for being there !! You’re the best !!!

Peace Out

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