Amy’s Press Conference – Question Seven

Yes, Karen, no, not you Karen Saunders. I pointed to Karen White, it’s her question.

Hi Amy,

Do you think life was more exciting during your transition period. i.e when you were doing boy by day and chica by night.

Hey, that’s a novel question. I don’t remember being asked that before.

Let’s see …

If by exciting you mean stressful, hectic and scary, then yes, it was more exciting.


If by exciting you mean fun, spontaneous and thrilling, then no, it was not more exciting.


I find life much more exciting, hopeful and positive now that I’m just able to be myself,

Do my Amy-thang,

Without having to think about it.

I really wasn’t a big fan of the “boy during the day, chica by night” life I was leading for a while.

Not because it didn’t serve a purpose,

It did.

Under the circumstances,

It was the best I could do until I had a fairly decent break point.

But it was exhausting,

And greatly complicated my life.

Not to mention,

It was nervewrecking …

Everytime I went out I was concerned I would run into someone Joe knew and he would be recognized.


It really wasn’t conducive to a good, continuous living the life experience.

Because back then,

I’d work boy during the day,

Play boy on Wednesday nights, and

Also on Sunday mornings.

I spent a lot of time boy.

And quite often the rest of the time during the week,

By the time I got home from work,

I was so whipped I never left the house.

So really,

Unless wearing shorts, a tee and absolutely no make-up whatsoever counts for much,

My girl experience then wasn’t too great.


It was the best I could do under the circumstances at the time,

I figured out ways to make it work,

And if anything,

The frequent switching back and forth helped me get really good at getting ready really, really quickly.

It’s not every girl that when she needs to,

And even when she doesn’t,

Can wake up and be out the door in 15 minutes.

Thanks for the question !!!

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  1. Dear Amy
    When doing day boy and night chica it must have been confusing to know which restroom to use. I solved that by looking at my shoes. If I was wearing boy shoes I used the men’s room, if wearing ladies shoes I used the womens room.

  2. As someone doing boy by day and girl by night, I can say that it gets real old real fast. Nothing worse than Monday morning having to morph back into “Greg” so I can go back to work. Ugh!

    I know what you mean by being worried that you would run into someone while out. As a teacher, I have to be especially careful to avoid the kids and their icky parents. Thing is, the school board wants to fire me if they ever figure out who I am (They only know that one of the teachers, out of 5,000, is transitioning, not who it is). Of course my teachers union may have something to say about that.

    So yeah, boy world by day just sucks.

  3. Yeah, you know Karen, I understand exactly what you are saying prompted the question and I really want to address that follow-up statement of yours, because it’s an excellent point. So if you don’t mind, I’m going to add that as a follow-up question to the end of this. K?

  4. Amy
    Thanks for the reply.
    I guess what prompted the question was your blog entries at the time you were living 2 lives. They were frequent, funny and exciting. Film reviews, night out reviews, nephews 1 & 2 and all that stuff.
    From your answer I can deduce that your life is much more full and richer since completing transformation and I am really happy for you. Thanx. Karen

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