Annual Posting

sweep sweep sweep

vacuum vacuum vacuum

dust dust dust


Itโ€™s a dust bunny haven here. My gawd, what is that โ€ฆ a spiderweb high rise ? Who is in-charge of this place ? Someone needs to tell her to get her asโ€ฆ.. Oh wait, thatโ€™s right ! ๐Ÿ™‚

Itโ€™s hard to believe itโ€™s been a year since my last post. Iโ€™d say I have every intention of posting regularly,ย because I do, but actions speak louder than words, so weโ€™ll see how that plays out. Andย  in an effort to pop back into things, I am going to try punching out shorter posts in a stream of consciousness sort of manner.

But, in the meantime, to all who have written and continue to pop in from time to time … Thank You ! I cannot express how much it means to me, makes me smile (and yes, sometimes cringe ๐Ÿ™‚ ), when I see a comment or receive an e-mail from you. Life is life and sometimes it is a pain in the bejeebers, but receiving a shout-out from you has, more than once, come at just the right time to enthuse me when I needed some enthusing. So again, Thank You ! Please don’t take my lack of activity here as a sign of disrespect to you. I’m sorry a year has passed since I’ve shared anything, it is inexcusable.

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  1. OMG Heidi ! That’s hilarious ! Fox drives me up the wall with their stupid cancellation antics … I will personally never forgive them for cancelling Firefly ! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’ll be in my bunk … re-reading the Chick Fight posts for re-mods and then posting.

  2. Amy is like the FOX of internet content… Starts something really good and then cancels it before anyone has a chance to see it ๐Ÿ˜‰ She Aims to Misbehave… any takers on that one?

  3. Amy

    Can we please have the next three volumes of the “chick fight” boxed set.
    You say in the posting that they were already done and ready to go.
    Please Amy
    Pretty please
    Pretty please with knobs on
    I am not going to beg.

  4. Remember Stefanie Tricarico?
    The homicide detective from “The Princess of Bereckenridge”?

    Right, well, I thought it would be a good idea to write
    a whole colletction of stories with her as the main character,
    so I did, and it’s now available on amazon.

  5. Hi Amy!

    Happy greetings from your readers in Boston! I just wanted to stop by and let you know Sara (also a lawyer, whom you’ve talked with in the past) and I were talking about you Sunday while we were sipping Bloody Mary’s at a cafe here. I asked her if she had talked with you at all to share experiences and she mentioned how helpful you had been to her. I related my story about how I met you at conference when you were sneaking a 12 pack of Red Bull into the hotel.

    So, know your fans in Boston are wishing you well and toasting you to your health and happiness!


  6. I beginning to think that the best we can hope for is sometime this decade. Don’t hold your breath. Do get a life.

  7. Soon. Maybe the (web)judge granted Amy a continuance, meaning to postpone as long as possible, preferably until her peeps forget that there is actually a date and time stamp on every entry posted here. I’m hoping she doesn’t consider her latest comments as contributions to her 2010 annual posting. That would make her next possible appearance sometime in 2011.

    BTW, first in July.

  8. “Iโ€™ll write today, try to post this afternoon, but tomorrow at the latest.” – Amy, June 18

    Reminds me of Lucy, Charlie Brown and the football….

  9. Amy, it doesn’t have to be meaningful or profound to me. You could write-out the menu of your local take away and I would read it. I just want to hear from you.
    And so.
    A challenge to the AMY AUDIENCE.
    Send in lots of comments with topical quotes and keep Amy in the Comments column.

  10. Karen … when you toss out a topical quote like that, you know you’ll get a response from me ! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Something profound? Yikes ! Now that’s pressure ! ๐Ÿ™‚ Guess I’ll have to hold off on my favorite television shows of Summer 2010 post for a bit yet. ๐Ÿ™‚ The post I’m writing now is more on the meaningful side, which you said is acceptable. ๐Ÿ™‚ It is me we’re talking about … not sure there’s much profound I can bring to the table. ๐Ÿ™‚ (Though I am awesome to have on your team in any trivia challenge/game ! )

  11. Yes!

    Write something profound, or al least meaningful.

    I’m sure we all want to know what Amy has been up to.

    And don’t you dare tell us that the meaning of life, the universe and everything is just 42.

  12. Yeah! yeah! yeah! yadda yadda yadda.
    AMY I am just so darn pleased with myself that I got your attention.
    Your public awaits.

  13. Wow ! A most awesome quote ! ๐Ÿ™‚ Sweet !

    No, don’t blow it up. I’ll write today, try to post this afternoon, but tomorrow at the latest.

  14. Is it time to change the site name to:-
    AMYNONEWS.COM-same where, same when.

    “Come on Kid, let’s blow this thing and go home”

  15. I believe Amy is *in* the third box from the back.

    Perhaps if we could persuade her to think outside the box….

  16. Cavernous and quiet here until JC called “Helloooo!” Remember that great warehouse at the end of Raider of the Lost Ark?

  17. No, I was just being silly… glad to see you are still well ๐Ÿ™‚ Yours is the first blog I ever read that helped me realize I was trans and not alone; So I always check back. Hope everything is going well for you!

    Did you watch Caprica?!!

    I ended up going with Heidi rather than Eileen… ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. thats a lot of vacuming how big is this place? hhheeellloo WOW! an echo that is so cool !!!! does anyone hear water dripping? that can’t be good ????

  19. A moment later, it seemed, Stacy found herself wearing orange scrubs in a jail cell, meeting a blonde woman who identified herself as Emily Robertson. She was not quite as tall as Stacy, who stood, feeling shaky as she stepped toward Emily, then leaned against the bars of the cell. They were hard, as she had expected, and cold. She hadn’t expected that.

    “I’m your attorney.”

    That made sense, somehow.

    The Bohemian Girl and Other Stories
    (a collection of stories by your erstwhile correspondant)
    is available on amazon.

    So if you’d like to buy it and write a favourable review,
    that would be quite helpful, I think.

  20. Hmmm….

    Perhaps the stream of consciousness just doesn’t intersect this website. That means there must be one heck of a mess somewhere else.


  21. Hmm. An interesting concept – Amy exists. It may just be that Amy’s annual posts are more of an accidental convergence of cosmic forces that happen to result in a blog post to her site. That would explain why she never seems to follow-up on those old promises, too.

  22. Missed you ! post happy thanksgiving ! mine was well florida warm??? warm weather on turkey day its different.Amyways nice to hear from you !

  23. Hey, did anybody see where Amy stashed the cards? We could play a few friendly hands of poker – or maybe more than a few – to pass the time while we wait for Amy’s post next year.

  24. Amy,
    Please give us short update on what you have been up to. We all have missed you and hope you having nothing but good news for us ๐Ÿ™‚


  25. I’m glad to see you’re still around! Looking forward to testing out those new waterproof shoes in the stream on conciousness ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. Glad to know you’re okay. I’d love to chat and catch up sometime…maybe I’ll try to give you a call soon.



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