Hair Graft – One Week Later
Quickie update …
For the first time in a week,
I’m actually starting to feel normal again.
The back of my head still hurts,
Nothing overwhelming by any means,
If I’d take a simple painkiller,
It’d probably go away.
But I don’t,
So it hasn’t.
The donor site has definitely been the area creating the most discomfort.
I’ve lost feeling back there,
For a while I guess … though it’s supposed to return,
It’s creating flashbacks of when I lost feeling in the top of my scalp following my ffs.
I like having feeling in my scalp,
So I’m anxious for it all to return again.
The graft site is really healing well.
There are only a few areas where you can see scabs still,
Though it’s bumpy.
Being color-blind,
I personally cannot appreciate that the graft area is considerably less red than it was following surgery,
But my mom says that the redness has pretty much subsided and it looks much, much better.
Despite its appearance,
The graft site really hasn’t been uncomfortable at all.
It’s also been considerably easier to maintain and treat than I imagined it would have been.
(Those procedures will be described in further detail when I finish the post on the hair grafting procedures.)
I still have little hair stubs poking out of the transplanted follicles …
Too phunny looking !!! lol
Apparently they’ll start to fall out any day now,
I’ll keep you apprised of their status.
All in all,
Though the visuals have apparently disturbed many of you …
The grafting has really been nbd,
And totally worth it so far in my opinion,
The lip augmentation on the other hand,
I have got to learn to remember how much I hate lip augmentation !
My lips are starting to recede finally,
Which is nice.
Though don’t get me wrong,
I still look like:
1. Per my nephews, Jar Jar Binks; or,
2. Per one client, a Simpson’s character of sorts,
But at least the lips aren’t stretched so much they hurt,
Which they were hurting.
I have been brutally reminded of something else …
That I had forgotten about when it comes to lip augmentation,
Which is …
Whenever I get lip augmentation,
I end up having a serious outbreak of cold sores.
At last count,
I have five separate cold sore outbreaks on my upper lip alone.
Two of them are phreaking huge, too !!!
Because of the throbbing, persistent discomfort associated with the lip augmentation,
I didn’t feel any of the outbreaks developing early enough in the process to implement the best home remedy ever for combating cold sores,
So they pretty much became full-blown cold sore outbreaks.
Amy’s Cold Sore Home Remedy: As soon as you feel the outbreak occurring, place ice on it for a good 15 minutes. I usually just let the ice cube melt to nothingness. Being the obsessive sort, I ice the cold sore risk area for 15 minutes every hour over the course of a few hours. It’ll usually kill it off. But you’re not done. If you do kill it off from that outbreak location, stay clued-in to the cold sore tingle returning. It usually tries to make a comeback attack a day or so later, in a different area. It’s phreaky how predictable it is in that sense. When the comeback attack begins, respond the same way with the icing. Usually if you win that second battle, most of the time you’ve won the war.
That’s the one week later update,
I’ve scanned in the post-op instructions which I’ll upload when I finish the post on the procedure itself,
And I have yesterday and today’s pics to upload yet too,
But I have to go earn a buck now.
Update: Ummmmm, I uploaded Day 6 and Day 7 pics and they look all blurry. Sorry. Obviously I don’t clean the lens on my mobile phone camera nearly as frequently as I should. I’ll try to do better. 🙂
I know Stacy !!! Isn’t it ??? Kinda like a flashback to October 2003 … June 2004. 🙂
Cold Sore Guy !!! You’re brilliant !!! Mint tea bags … what an idea !!! Thank you !!! 🙂
Hey wait … open cold sores require a hot tea bag? (Just for the record people, I’ve got too many friends who’ll toss out the phrase “tea bag” for use in a considerably different manner … right, Shaft? Right, Miss Daisy? Anyways, I’m having a challenging time typing the phrase tea bag without tossing out a joke right there with it. So for those of you thinking there’s a joke there and why did Amy miss it … trust me, I haven’t. I’m just trying to exercise some self control. :))
the click the pic
pics have such a twilight zone look…
Hi Amy:
Your cold sore home remedy is right on the mark. Ice has been the main remedy for many years. It’s free and available anywhere. Cold sore virus hates cold and it puts a stop to their effort to reproduce themselves. One variation that can take it a step further is mint tea bags, wetted then frozen. Use instead of ice. Something in the mint that kills cold sore virus. Should you have an open cold sore, use the mint tea bags, but use hot instead of cold at this point.
All that matters to me is you are not in pain …i do not like it when i know someone is hurt (in pain) and i cant do anything to help ….so please take care ok?
Thanks, I’ll bring several different types. The roll-on I’ve found has a flavor which may or may not be a problem if it gets into a open sore, but requires the least amount of pressure to apply to the lips … Palladio has a clear gloss in the typical wand form that feels light and not jammy at all … and Avon has Dew Kiss (my favorite) which is long-lasting and easy to apply. I’ll have to try Burt’s Bees … I see it everywhere.
The problem may be … actually finding my lips considering my eyes will be swollen shut for the most part and anesthetics will throw my coordination off … kinda like a drunk trying to walk a straight line. Whoooaaa Nelly, missed again–HAHA! No sweat.
PS–Would you read my email about SRS? I’d REALLLLY appreciate your input.
Well … I’ll confess, I haven’t been keeping the lips moistured as much as I should … usually I use Burt’s Bees, which I did for a bit, however it wasn’t keeping up with things, so I then lathered Vasoline all over them, which helped, but I think mistakenly believe contributed to my cold sore outbreak. You’re wise to be thinking of it this early in the game, you’ll definitely want to have something you are good with, because your lips will become chapped easily otherwise. And they’ll be HUGE !!! 🙂
Oh goody … so I can look forward to steady throbbing discomfort Jar Jar Binks lips … that’s a new one (grin). Guess I better hold back on sending any pics to my family after surgery … I can just hear it now, “You paid him to do that to you?!”. HAHA! Are you using a lip balm to ease dryness/cracking? I’m thinking the roll-on type application (Bonne Bell) might be the least ouchy to apply … whadda ‘ya think?
And geez girl … another hug … you’re amazing!