Kill Kount Stasis

Okay … I’m not one into girls or anything, and I really was never a guy, I just played one in real life, so I’ll admit … I’m probably not qualified to say what’s hot in a girl and what’s not, at least as far as it comes when choosing one girl over another for a relationship thang, but seriously … I so think Jack should go with Diana instead of Audrey. Come on … really, it’s not even close, is it ??? Diana – smart, compassionate, beautiful. Audrey – intelligent, whiny, ferret-like.

Do you think Jack could get away with roughing up President Logan a bit ??? Just a bit, ya know, because it’d be okay with me if he did. Really.

Sam-wise is so Sam-wise, I can’t stop laughing whenever he’s on the screen … “Ohhhhh, precious”.

I’ve always liked Aaron Pierce. He’s definitely one of the good guys. I hope he gets a chance to kill Cummings at some point … he deserves it, he was good buds with President Palmer.

Ummm, I think I’ve got issues, I was really hoping Jack would cut out at least one of Cummings’ eyes, we could really use an eye-patch guy in 24. Though as Jack was saying what he was going to do, I couldn’t help but think of Wesley describing what “to the pain” means in The Princess Bride.

Jack didn’t kill anyone this episode … which is good, ‘cause that means we got the “Jack didn’t kill anyone this episode” episode out of the way … look out next week !!!

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  1. As a professional writer (seriously), I can say that you got the who/whom thing correct.

    I think, anyway. Ha!

    It’s an annoying and confusing topic likely to start fights betweeen writers, but here’s my take…

    In your sentence, I’m gonna’ call “who” the subject of the verb, “wakes” so “whom” seems to be in its proper objective case. But, as with most of my writing, I normally go with the option that sounds better. Your usage wins on a number of little rule of thumb tests.

    But what do I know, really? I wrote “gonna'” for god’s sake.

  2. Yeah, I will agree, I do like her better this year than last, but Audrey still seems unappealing to me.

    I’m very curious of finding out the time line of things in how Jack met Diana … she definitely could be a plant.

    I third the Jack and Aaron scene as being great. It was excellent. When they walked in … wicked !!!

    The hair of the person behind the bed looked a little Billy Dee Williams … I’m thinking female.

    Chloe is into Jack like Edgar is into Chloe … I’d love to spike the punch at the CTU Christmas party and see who wakes up with whom !!! (Hey, can any of you English grammar specialists out there tell me if I used “whom” properly in this context … I googled the rule, got even more confused and decided I was comfortable just getting 90% on the quiz in the event I got it wrong in both instances, but still, I’d like to know the answer. Thanks !! :))

  3. 1.Sean Astin- the boy wonder “Robin”. Enough said on him.
    2.I agree on the Jack and Aaron scene, it was great.
    3. I went back several times on my DVR and we never can get an image on who is behind the bed. Still hope its Nina back from the dead.
    4. Maybe Jack should try and bed Chloe instead. We all know she has the hots for Jack.

  4. Okay. Several things.

    1. I didn’t think Audrey was all that hot the first time I saw her but she has kept getting hotter to me with every episode. Yes, hot…in a cold sort of way.

    2. Aaron Pierce suddenly became hot. What? Yes, in a trustworthy, loyal, good guy sort of way. What a boyscout!! Great scene when he and Jack strolled in. Maybe my favorite of the series.

    3. Call me crazy, but I don’t quite trust Diana yet…like maybe she’s “in on it.”

    4. I try to take Sean Astin seriously, but I can’t. I just can’t. This has gone on since “Rudy.”

    5. Behind the bed… Amy, I did the frame-by-frame thing, too. My VCR sux, my picture isn’t all that great over the fiber-optic supply to the house I rent, and the tape is ancient… but I think the person is black. A relation of Palmer’s perhaps?

    6. Yep, Jack could have taken one eye… just as punishment.

  5. Thank you Kelly !!! I thought I was right on the Diana call !!! Cold is the word I was looking for … scratch my ferret reference, no wait, keep it … she still looks like a ferret, and to all my ferret friends out there … I’m sorry, no offense meant.

    No kidding !!! I was thinking the exact same thing on the person hiding behind the bed … I replayed it frame-by-frame and really couldn’t get enough of a glimpse to make any guess … it’d be great if it was Nina !!! I was also thinking Sherry Palmer was a possibility in the 24 universe.

    That’s a good call on Mrs. Logan roughing him up … she could get away with it.

  6. As a T-Girl still into girls, Diana all the way. That Audrey is just too damn cold. Yeah, Logan needs to get roughed up a bit and my moneys on his wife to do the roughing up. What, no confirmed kills for Jack? What is up with that? I say at least 4 next week. Finally, who was hiding behind the bed in the previews for next week? I know shes supposed to be dead, but sure would be cool if it was Nina!

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