Click The Pic

I’ve got a working version of the Click the Pic feature back on-line … though with a few mods. One, instead of being called Click the Pic, I’m calling it On The Road Hard. I’m not krazy about the name, so I’ll probably change it, it was just all I could think of at the moment. Two, instead of just showing the most recent Click the Pic, I’m showing the last three on the front page, let me know if you think that’s too self indulgent or not. Though be forewarned, if you think it is, you’re just encouraging me to up the number to cinco !!! 🙂 Tres, when you do Click the Pic, it should take you to the photo gallery, which calls the pics from Flickr. To speed things up, I’m caching them on my server and just refreshing every 15 minutes, meaning … there’s at least a 15 minute delay. Four, if you want to comment on a specific pic, you can, just click the link and it’ll take you to the photo’s Flickr page for commenting. Five, for the the life of me, I can’t figure out why that damn list-style-type Square is showing up before each of the pics. It’s driving me batty. I swear I’ve noned it out everywhere, though obviously I haven’t, so my swearing means nothing. Anyways, that annoying feature will disappear when I have another 8 hours to kill trying to fix it. Thanks for being so patient while I tinker with these things. More photo sets will be phorthcoming.

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  1. ***Note to self: gotta get an exercise ball…oh…and a really good surgeon….***

    Whatever is right!…sweetie, you got a figure most girls would kill for…so whatever you’re doin’…just keep doin’ it!

  2. LOL Whatever !!! How about them there abs ??? That’s why I’m doing those disgusting krunches … gawd do I hate doing those, however, the exercise ball makes them considerably more tolerable.

  3. Thanks Yodette !!! I went to the Trend Micro website and tried to find a contact source to inquire about how one gets classified as such, but didn’t find anything in the short amount of time I spent … next time I’m sitting in the airport with a connection, I’ll go back and see if I can find out more.

  4. Update of blocking the site as a “sex” site. I tried to access a legit page today about the quantum entanglement of beryllium atoms and it was blocked as “cult/occult”. I tried to look up wholesale firms that might distribute soft drink concentrates and a site was blocked as “alcohol/tobacco”, I presume because they also wholesale those products.

    I don’t know how they classify pages to filter, but the method produces numerous miss-filters. I’ve now disabled most of Trend Micro’s web site filtering as worthlessly over aggressive.

  5. Wow … no kidding ??? That’s disheartening. I’m bummed. I really try to keep a nice, clean site for the most part … that’s for the feedback Yodette. Not sure I can do anything about it, but I’ll look into it.

  6. This morning I clicked on but the page was blocked by Trend Micro’s website filter as a “sex” website. I think some fundy bastards have too much time on their hands and too little intelligence. My guess is as a consequence amynews won’t be available now through many public PC connections.

  7. Yeah … I was thinking light blue !! 🙂 Though I’m more inclined to defer to the wisdom of ya’ll who can actually see the colors !!! 🙂 And along those lines … can someone tell me what color it is now and if that is working a bit better … thanks !!! 🙂

  8. No the borders are just fine and the gray is okay. Maybe a little bit lighter gray would be better but that’s more a personal taste.

    One other thing I noticed it that you are using a gray colour for the input fields in (for instance) this comment form. But can you make it a somewhat darker gray, it’s now so light.

  9. Okay. Does that particular grey pass muster ??? Any other suggestions ?? I tinkered with borders and thought it made things too busy, but I am open to suggestions.

  10. Okay … I gave it a whirl … check it out at my test site and let me know what you think. That includes everyone !!! 🙂 I’m thinking if I did do a grey out, I’d switch the content in column 2 and 3 around then, that way the static stuff for the most part would be greyed and the fresh stuff would be white.

    Thanks !!

  11. Couldn’t help but notice the “A” hanging on the wall in the background of the one pic….it really is all about the “A”, isn’t it? 🙂 Hope you had a good holiday season Amy…it’s nice to have you back!

  12. Always a pleasure viewing your smiling face 🙂 Enjoy the New Year, maybe this year you will find a Gentleman too….LOL

  13. Thanks Natalie … and that’s for the Blog Rolling cache script link … I’ll definitely add.

    And All … please let me know what tweaks you’ve notice I yet need to make and what problems you’re having so I can try to fix them.

  14. Well you are progressing, some minor stuff here and there. And it’s now a full screen with content. And I like the extra bit of colours here and there.

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