Interesting Pick-Up Lines Tossed My Way – Entry 2

You know, for a white woman you’re holding up really well. Most of you start to break down around 30-35.


Creativity: 10
Delivery: 10
Effectiveness: 0

Last night’s runner-up Interesting Pick-Up Line Tossesd My Way was:

Him: “Would it impress you if I told I know Tiger?

Me: “Yeah right, Tony?

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  1. Whoops, (I forgot)
    Actually, I thought the comeback was sort of well-aimed considering the major put-down that line attempted – but your professed humor obviously won the day. GFY!

    No worries, ok?


  2. I just love playing MatchMaker !! πŸ™‚

    MacG, Shaft and Greggers … super thanks to you three butts for giving me some laughs today … you are funny, funny boys !!! πŸ™‚

    Carol … don’t you hate it when you post something and then you read it and realize, “oh, that doesn’t sound like I meant it !” … welcome to the club !! πŸ™‚

  3. Hey Greg,

    You don’t need those pick-up lines. If you ever don’t have a wife, give me a call….I’m a slam dunk for ya, babe!

    Laura a.

  4. Greg’s Fantasy list

    1) Snap up Shaft’s Space Shuttle reservation
    2) Install animated stripper screensaver
    3) Buy Tivo and set to record “The Terminator and the Gladiator Fight on the Bridge Over the Navarrone for a Fistfull of Dollars;”
    4) Read Dave Barry’s Complete Guide to Guys. Maybe I can purloin a few good pick-up lines…pick-up a babe (besides my wife)…

  5. Shaft’s To Do List:
    1. Replace what I thought were my 10 best opening lines (from my single days)
    2. Change my Tivo to record PBS shows
    3. Dump my Paris Hilton screen saver
    4. Cancel my space shuttle reservation

  6. If you really want a good laugh about us guys read “Dave Barry’s complete guide to guys”.It explains it all πŸ™‚

  7. Hi Greg,

    I posted a message earlier that appears I totally trashed a guys attempt to talk w/ me. I should have been clearer as I have been on the other side & still understand the cold sweats most guys have on approaching a woman. Actually he laughed off my joke & I admired him so much for that. We spent the rest of the evening dancing & had a date the following night. Message- an ability to laugh at ones self & a little self confidence goes a long way.

    Take Care,

    Carol H

  8. ‘Kennas’ right, you know.

    From a guy’s perspective, if one of us (plain vanilla) guys is in some reasonable proximity to a woman with a smile on her face and more than dead uninterested eyes, most of us will spontaneously combust and put at least one foot in our mouths. Make the woman attractive or in some way socially exotic (in this society tatoos, piercings, a ‘racy’ reputation come to mind), and I can almost guarantee it. I’ve seen it – and been its subject – happen so many times its past counting.

    And if we (plain vanilla) guys are brutally honest with ourselves, this happens across all age and race and other “acceptable” or “appropriate” social lines, norms and ‘boundries.’

    Why? Couldn’t tell you. I imagine it is at some basic level biological in origin. But I’m not a scientist, I’m just observing and reporting.

    Most women do not understand the power they wield over us; nor do they understand why most men fear them so – for that matter, neither do most (plain vanilla) men. Both standard genders seem to just assume a superior stance is a consequence of some innate “male station,” and not a consequence of (plain vanilla) male fear. The “smooth operator?” – that’s just a masculine veneer for fear.

    So what are we (plain vanilla) males really? Just bags of quivering hormones, waiting for the right moment to say the wrong thing or make the wrong move.

    But that’s what makes us cute!

  9. Ah, the difference between capitalism and kleptocrasy…. Tara during the race for the moon, the USA was more capitalistic, in the good sense, than we are now.

    Enough of me whining about how much better the country used to be. More AmyNews, please!


  10. I have to admit … I agree with ‘Kenna. I love talking to guys and sometimes part of the talking with guys things mean some will toss out a line or two at you … and some are just priceless. Plus, as I get more experience seeing how guys operate in that respect, it just confirms to me even more that “wow, I was so not ever really a guy !” πŸ™‚

    On a related note, I am still sort of getting used to, learning to deal with, guys that are extra persistent from time to time … but that’s more scary than annoying, at least for me.

  11. Hey gals…give the guys a break. AFter all, not every guy is a casanova, and they’re sooo cute when they’re tongue tied…especially if they have one of those UK accents (or even a Texas accent too!)

  12. OMG…I love THAT response Carol!… a complete slam dunk…LOL…the only way that coulda been better is if you’d been surrounded by a dozen girlfriends who could have laughed uproariously as he slinked away…

    Amy…I give you credit for even wasting your breath on a response…considering how many morons are wondering around out there, bumping into things…isn’t it too bad that ignorance isn’t painful???

    Yodette…having spent nearly 20 years as an engineer AND having just taken the bar exam, I’m not sure whether I should be flattered for being an engineer or insulted because I’m leaving the engineering ranks…LOL…anyway, I changed career’s because engineers are WAY under-appreciated and under-valued…I absolutely agree with you that the Hollywood and Pro-sports crowd are way overvalued…

    …but, in the end, I wouldn’t trade capitalism for anything else…

  13. Dear Amy,
    Enjoyed the pick up line & especially the response. I was recently in a bar w/ a friend & a guy walked up to me & said. Before I talk to a woman I aske her the definitions of three words so I can see how smart she is & know how to talk to her. I said OK hit me w/ the words. First was miniscule. My reponse – As in the definition of your penis. Never found out what the last two words were.

  14. MacGyver;

    …..only if you find the number of times whats-her-name-Hilton went to the john with her friend whats-her-face while out with whats-his-name at the whatever club last week to be more interesting than our current understanding of the creation of the universe….

  15. Oh yea, I could see Amy being the Sr.Partner booting off the padawan lawyers on that new show “The Law Firm” that was on tonight(NBC)…With the “A” deciding their fate it would be a sure fire hit!!(Sorry, Greg and Yodette, had to talk T.V., alot more exciting than the NASA channel) πŸ™‚

  16. Once upon a time the US had a credible space program. The Shittle is a sorry mess, emblematic of what’s wrong with American science and engineering. Children once aspired to be scientists and engineers who would improve the quality of our lives. Now fewer and fewer US students seek degrees in “hard science”. Now we have to import foreign engineers and scientists or export the jobs. I blame, in part, the excessive and largely undeserved adulation and virtual worship of music, film and sport “stars”. (I also blame the insane windfall compensation for business executives and their sycophants. Why exert yourself be someone who does productive when game playing scum raises to the top of the corporate pond?)

    Sure, they all know who won “American Idiot”, I mean “American Idol” but how many teens can name Americans who’ve won a Nobel Prize?

    Sorry. Time to step off my soap box and stop shaking my head in disgust about NASA. I ought remember this is AmyNews. As it should be, itΣ³ all about the “A”! πŸ™‚

  17. Copy the “i” to follow the “d” and change the “l” to “t” and I would approve of the title.

  18. Yikes … now THAT’S the kind of opening line that works on me !! lol πŸ™‚ *snicker* *snicker*

    Carrie Underwood Rocks !!!!! Or technically I guess she Countries !! Bo Rocks ! πŸ™‚

  19. How about when the guy assumes stupidity, ignorance and shallowness, all at the same time (as I overheard recently in the bar just around the corner from where we live),- and asks the poor woman, “Don’t you just that love American Idol show – thing?”

  20. It was certainly one of the most interesting lines I’ve heard Clio … there were definitely a couple of different takes on it.

    For what it’s worth … he also noted that “you aren’t even wearing that much make-up” … at which point I had sufficiently regained my bar legs and replied … “it’s not because I don’t need it, it’s just because I’m lazy.” πŸ™‚

  21. “You know, for a white woman you’re holding up really well. Most of you start to break down around 30-35.”

    Hmmm what do you say to that, especially if it’s a guy who weighs about 300lbs, looks like he was dragged through a fence backwards and is the poster child for birth control……yep, difficult time holding my tongue. Where do men get the idea that saying something like that is flattering???? Women are from Venus – Men are from Mars huh!!!

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