Sweet Non Recognition


I found myself in a transition related situation,

Which I hadn’t before found myself.


If I decide to engage or interact with someone from my past,

I tell them who I used to be.

You know my line.



There was a need for me to not only associate with someone from my past,

But in this case,

It was fairly important for the comfort of others that I not do anything to reveal the fact that I used to sleep with Joe.

I really didn’t expect to pull it off.

As this was a setting where I should have been recognized …

In a heartbeat:

One, it required significant, and moderately prolonged, face to face interaction with people that knew Joe;

Two, it was in a setting where it wouldn’t be unexpected to see Joe; and,

Three, there was a huge, huge recognition by name association risk.

Phucking huge.


To make a long story short …

I pulled it off.

Even after, for my own amusement, I tossed out one of Joe’s most infamous, annoying behavioral traits …

Just to see how much I could get away with doing.

I’m incredibly geeked about it …

Not for my sake,

‘Cause seriously,

Do I really need anything to encourage me to get myself out and about even more ??

I think not. 🙂


I’m geeked because I’m really glad I was able to do a nice holiday gesture,

Without offending or making others uncomfortable in the process.

Sweet !! 🙂


And as far as Joe’s most infamous, annoying behavioral trait goes …

He used to chew on straws and coffee stirrers constantly.

By the way …

Holiday cards are in the mail,

So those of you that expressed an interest in receiving one …

You might actually receive it before Christmas,

Though it’ll be close !! 🙂

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