CAST OF CHARACTERS – Still around ?? lol Gawd, you’re brave !! 🙂 Well, here’s the scoop, I’m trying to get you caught up to speed rapidly, so you’ve got the super quick background information as to where I am in the previous blog. Here I’m going to rattle off some of the key players in my life that I am sure will make appearances in future entries (to protect the innocent, I’m not going to refer to them by actual name).

Major characters are Dad, Mom, Brother, Ex-Wife (aka Ex), The World’s Most Perfect Woman and Supportive Friend (aka Singer), Business Partner (aka Shaft).

Minor characters are Female Co-Worker (aka OBP), Business Partner’s Wife (aka Satan).

Shaft knows everything and in complete detail my problem and that I’m deciding between Choice A and B. He’s been great about it all !! I can’t thank him enough. Dad and Mom both know of my problem. Mom’s in sort of denial and doesn’t really talk much about it. Dad I think gets it a lot more and though we haven’t talked about it, I think he knows that Choice A and B exist. Mom is struggling more with this. Dad has been great !! He’s amazing. My Brother and Ex both know in vague terms about my problem, but I don’t think even consider something like Choice A a remote possibility. Singer knows something is wrong, but not the total specifics and she doesn’t press me with things, but remains supportive. Satan, and OBP have no idea about any of this.

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